

Describe one of the Symptoms of this disease?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Describe one of the Symptoms of this disease?
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It is very likely that Margaret Thatcher has Alzheimer's. Most people are confused by the term dementia. Dementia is a set of symptoms and is not a disease. To have dementia symptoms, one must have an overlying disease that causes the dementia symptoms. Alzheimer's disease causes 70-80% of all cases of dementia symptoms. Other diseases such as Huntington's disease, Picks disease, Lewy Body disease, Front Temporal also causes dementia symptoms. Parkinson's disease in late stages also may cause dementia symptoms. If one were to say that a person exhibiting dementia symptoms had Alzheimer's disease, one would be right 4 out of times based on statistics alone.

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One can find out information on graves disease symptoms by seeing their family doctor. He or she will know all the details and can also recommend one all possible treatments. One can also find information on graves disease symptoms on sites like web MD.

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