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Q: Describe scent of wood burning fire?
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Why does wood get hotter when you a fire?

Burning is an exothermic reaction.

How do you make fire faster?

Lit a wood with a burning match

Wood has energy while a burning fire has energy?

Wood has chemical potential energy, when combustion occurs, you have fire. Fire is mostly heat and light energy.

How invented the burning of wood?

We have no record of when man first used fire.

What is the best fire wood to burn in a wood burner?

Any wood is good for burning in a wood burner as long as it has been dried and seasoned.

Why is it that fanning burning wood keeps the wood burning?

Fanning them brings in more oxygen. With more oxygen you get more fire.

What type of fire can be out out with water?

An A- ordinary combustible materials, such as burning paper or wood.

Is Wood burning in a fire a chemical change or chemical property?

It is a chemical change.

What is a lighted splint?

being lit, with the flame blown out, leaving an ember at the tip. Upon exposure to high concentrations of oxygen, the glowing ember flares and gives a flame.

Explain how wood burning in a fire place undergoes a chemical change?

Burning is an oxydation reaction so a chemical change.

Give a reason why covering burning wood with a blanket will put out the fire?

if you put a fire blanket on top of burning wood it stops the oxygen from passing through and the fire will burn out!!!!! i hope this is useful to you! this is definitly true since i am a science teacher my self! Eleanor! xxxxx

How a change in thermal energy causes matter?

A burning wood fire, when cooled down or extinguished, leaves wood ashes.