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it is brown and cool

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Q: Describe the design of the Jamestown Fort?
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How far inland from the supposed site of the Jamestown fort is the fort actually located?

About how far inland from the supposed site of jamestown fort is the fort actually located?

About how far inland from the supposed site of jamestown fort is the fort actually located?

About how far inland from the supposed site of jamestown fort is the fort actually located?

What was the first thing built in Jamestown?

a fort :)

What were the raw materials in Jamestown?

The,fort of Jamestown was built from local wood they chopped down.

Where is the Fort Seward Inc in Jamestown North Dakota located?

The address of the Fort Seward Inc is: Po Box 244, Jamestown, ND 58402-0244

What did the Jamestown colony colonist live in?

They built simple houses in and around the fort at Jamestown, Virginia.

Where are people that lived in the fort Jamestown now?

They are dead. Jamestown was built in 1607, so no one is alive.

Where is the Fort Seward Interpertive Center in Jamestown North Dakota located?

The address of the Fort Seward Interpertive Center is: 602 10Th Ave NW, Jamestown, ND 58401

What were the first two English colonies?

Fort Raleigh and Jamestown

What was the shape of Jamestown fort?

It was Triangle because the Spanish were going to attak them!

What 2 social classes made up the Jamestown fort?


A strong wooden wall that protected the Jamestown fort?
