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Balanced: think of pressure from the atmosphere. It would either squash or expand you in equal measure around your body.

Unbalanced: think of someone pushing you, or when you jump off a wall. You would accelerate in the direction of the force.

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Q: Describe the effect of balanced and unbalanced forces on a body?
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Describe the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces?

Balanced forces have the same effect as not moving at all. The motion of the object does not change at allOnly unbalanced forces can change the motion of an object. It does not matter if the object was at rest or was already moving.

Pictures of balanced and unbalanced forces?

this is unbalanced forces.

How do balance forces acting on an object affect its motion?

When the forces acting on an object are balanced, they cancel each other out and the result is no change in its motion.Balanced forces have no effect on motion. Unbalanced forces cause acceleration.

What if the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces in terms of motion?

Unbalanced forces is when the forces are 0N or more. Balanced forces are 0.

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Are the forces on a penny balanced or unbalanced and why?

If the penny isn't accelerating in some way, the forces are balanced. If it is, then they're unbalanced.

Which cause change in motion balanced forces or unbalanced forces?

unbalanced foeces

What does a unbalanced force cause that a balanced force doesnt?

There is no such thing as "a balanced force" or "a unbalanced force". Only a group of two or more forces can be balanced or unbalanced. An unbalanced group of forces acting on an object causes accelerated motion of the object. A balanced group of forces doesn't.

Compare how balanced and unbalanced forces affect an object at rest?

balanced forces don't move an object, but unbalanced forces on an object do move

What happens when forces are balanced and unbalanced?

balanced = no movement of the object unbalanced = the object moves

What does it means if forces are balanced or unbalanced?

Balanced: the vector sum of all forces on an object is zero. Unbalanced: this sum it is not zero.

Balanced and unbalanced forces in space?

In space a balanced force is can be anything without a kinetic effect. A balanced force is gravity because it can have a different effect on one side of an object that the other.