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Q: Describe the eyewitness accounts and anecdotes euchner includes. why do you think he chose these witnesses what inference about the crowd can you make based on the witnesses he includes?
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What is inference?

Logical interpretation, based on factual knowledge, and experience.An inference is the term given to a statement that may not be true, but was based on evidence collected.You mean an inference- it is a term used to describe a conclusion arrived at on the basis of evidence and reasoning.

What does inducted?

Inductive means that something is caused by electrical components or magnetic devices. It can also describe characteristics that are inference of general laws.

How is a first-person narrator limited in his or her understanding?

He can only relate events or describe objects he personally witnesses.

Why do writers use anecdotes?

Writers use anecdotes to make their writing more engaging and relatable to the reader. Anecdotes can help to illustrate a point or add a personal touch to the writing, making it more memorable and impactful.

Name a physical characteristic that police ask witnesses to describe?

height hair weight eyes scars or tattoos skin age

How would you describe the introduction of a presentation?

Introduction : This "hooks" the audience, entices people to listen, and previews what is to come. Effective introductory devices include questions, dramatic or humorous statements, jokes, anecdotes, and personal experiences.

How is an eyewitness used in a criminal investigation?

They are used in court to answer questions, they are called to the stand to be asked questions. Also they may be taken to the scene of the crime and asked to describe what the person looked like, then the police will get a professional drawer to draw the criminal

Who sketches photos of criminals that witnesses describe?

Police sketch artists are responsible for creating sketches of criminal suspects based on descriptions provided by witnesses. They use their artistic skills to translate verbal descriptions into visual representations that can help in identifying and apprehending suspects.

What are the division of statistics?

The division of statistics are generally divided into two groups: inferential and descriptive. Inferential statistics require that a conclusion is drawn from data, based almost solely on human inference. Descriptive statistics are numbers that describe a set of data.

Which sentence shows the best use of descriptive language?

The word 'description' is a noun, a word for a spoken or written representation or account of someone or something.A noun functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and a the object of a verb or a preposition.EXAMPLE:The Police Officer asked the victim for a description of the suspect.

How would you describe the countenance of a person who has just been an eyewitness to a robbery?

The person's countenance would likely show signs of shock, fear, and distress. They may appear shaken, anxious, and have a look of disbelief or confusion on their face. Their body language might also convey a sense of unease or vulnerability.

Describe a wedding ceremony?

A wedding ceremony is when 2 people gather in front of God and a crowd of witnesses to join as one for life. They can be big or small ceremonies. Most have a time when they say vows, then give rings, then kiss and then they are married.