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Q: Describe the observations that Darwin made about the species on the Galapagos island?
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Where did Charles Darwin do his observations?

In the Galapagos Islands.

Who discovered Galapagos Island?

Charles Darwin made observations on the galapagos islands

What island did Charles Darwin make his most important observations?

The Galapagos Islands.

Which idea explains Darwin's observations about galapagos Islands finches?

Biological Species Concept, which defines species as groups of interbreeding populations that are reproductively isolated from other groups.

Charles Darwin's observations?

Charles Darwin's observations were quite interesting. For instance he observed that the animals of the Galapagos Islands were different from other animals.

Darwin drew ideas for his theory from observations of organisms on?

Galapagos Islands

What observations did Charles Darwin make about Galapagos tortoises?

turtles have shells....

On the voyage on the Beagle Charles Darwin made many observations of what?

On the galapagos island

How did Darwin explain Galapagos species had different adaptations than similar south American species?

Darwin explained why Galapagos species had different adaptations than similar South American species with Evolution.

What were the species Darwin saw on the Galapagos islands?


What island did Charles Darwin go to discover finches?

Since Darwin found many species of plants he found many species of finches. Those species, just like the warbler finch, were found on the Galapagos Islands.

During Charles Darwin's voyage on the beagle many of Darwins observations were made where?

on the galapagos islands