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One three-carbon sugar is used to make organic compounds (energy-storing compounds.)

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Daphne Bergstrom

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Q: Describe the of the Calvin cycle in the third stage of photosynthesis?
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What Stage of photosynthesis is sugar is made?

In the Calvin cycle

Are PS I and PS II part of the Calvin cycle?

No, PS I and PS II are part of the first stage of photosynthesis, the light reactions. The Calvin cycle is the second stage of photosynthesis and does utilize the photosystems.

What is the stage of photosynthesis called in which plants use the energy that ATP and NADPH contain to build high energy sugars?

This is called the Calvin cycle (aka Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle or reductive pentose phosphate cycle).

How do the events in the Calvin cycle depend on the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis's?

In order for CO2 to be fixed into carbohydrate in the Calvin Cycle, ATP and NADPH which are both made in the light dependent stage are needed.

What are the two main stages for photosynthesis?

The two main stages of photosynthesis are the light-dependent reactions and the light-independent reactions (Calvin Cycle). In the light-dependent reactions, light energy is used to split water molecules and produce ATP and NADPH. In the Calvin Cycle, ATP and NADPH are used to convert carbon dioxide into glucose.

Why does the Calvin cycle need the light reactions to keep going?

The Calvin cycle itself does not need light.The Calvin cycle, also called the light independent stage of photosynthesis, uses ATP (energy) and NADPH (hydrogen) to convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrate (sugar). These reactions do not need light and can take place in the dark.However in a plant the ATP and NADPH are produced by the light-dependent stage of photosynthesis. To produce these substances light is needed.So although the Calvin cycle does not need light itself it does need substances made using light.See What_connects_the_light_dependent_reaction_to_the_light_independent_reactionand How_do_the_lightdependent_reactions_differ_from_the_calvin_cycle

WHAT are the different process of Calvin cycle?

the process of calvin cycle is the second stage of cellular respiration

What does photosynthises mean?

Photosynthesis is when plants, algae, cyanobacteria, etc. create energy with the aid of light. The presence of light is what instigates photosynthesis to occur since the "Light-dependent" stage is the first stage. Then there is the "light-independent" stage, which I believe is the calvin-benson cycle.

What is the last stage of photosynthesis?

The last stage of photosynthesis is the Calvin cycle, also known as the light-independent reactions. In this stage, ATP and NADPH produced during the light-dependent reactions are used to convert carbon dioxide into glucose.

Describe how ATP and NADPH molecules are formed?

In beta-oxidation (fatty acid degradation) and in the Citric acid cycle. Plants can use a third way to produce NADPH: In the light dependent stage of photosynthesis. It is an endproduct that is high in energy and used to generate the Calvin Cycle.

Where does the light indepentent stage of photosynthesis occurs?

The light-independent stage of photosynthesis, also known as the Calvin cycle, occurs in the stroma of the chloroplasts. Here, carbon dioxide is fixed and converted into sugars using the ATP and NADPH generated during the light-dependent stage.

What stage in photosynthesis requires no sunlight?

photosynthesis comprises of two reactions namely-light reaction and dark reaction.dark reaction which include Calvin benson cycle and CO2 concentrating mechanism requires no light.