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The relationship between an organ and organ systems are similar to a teammate relationship. An organ system is made up of organs.

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Cells are two tisues as organs are to?

Levels of organizationAtom ------> molecule -----> Cells ----> tissues -------> organs ------> organ system -------->organismsSo, organ system.

How does the level of the organ system relate to the level of the cell?

Cells of the same type form tissues. Different tissue types form organs. Different organs form organ systems. Organ systems form an organism.

Is it cells tissues organs organ system?

Yes. The sequence is cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism

How organs form organisms?

cells---> tissue---> organs ---> organ system

What is formed by groups of cells that work together as organs in an organ system?

organ system

How does the mitotic cell division relate to the cell cycle?

It still needs cells to form the organism. If cells aren't present, tissues won't be formed organs won't form to make organ systems and make organisms. THE CELL CYCLE cells-->tissues -->organs-->organ system-->organism

What do organs form?

Well, a group of cells form tissues, a group of tissues form an organ, and a group of organs form an organ system. An organ system is a group of organs that work together to complete a certain task like the digestive system or the urinary system.

How is a tissue diffent from an organ system?

Tissue is just a group of cells, organ is a group of tissues, and organ system is a system with a lot of organs

What are organs related to?

The fungi is related to the mushroom.

What compose an organism?

The organism is composed of the organ system and the organ system is composed of organs that work together and the organs are composed of tissues and the tissues are composed of cells and the cells are composed of molecules

How are organelles cells tissues organs organ system and organisms related?

is all part of an organ

What are organs a combination of?

organ system.