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i dont know, do u? what kind of question is THAT anyways? (get a life, geez)

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Q: Describe the similarity in the ways tree roots and ice mechanically weather rock?
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Related questions

How does both tree roots and prairie dogs mechanically weather rock?

They burrow which is mechanically weathering, because when they burrow they loosen it into sediments physically

How do plants mechanically weather rock?

The roots of certain plants can break or crack into a rock, making the rock more susceptible to frost wedging (ice wedging).

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How both tree roots and prairie dogs mechanically weather rocks?


Describe at least three processes that mechanically weather rock?

(1) frost wedging--the expansion of freezing water pries rock apart; (2) pressure release--the reduction of pressure on a brittle rock mass, which can cause it to crack as it expands; (3) plant growth--as roots grow in cracks, the rock mass breaks up.

How would you describe the roots when b2-4ac is 0?

The roots will be equal

What is the similarity between a potato and a radish?

they both grow on roots

What describes the main similarity between the roots of a plant and the mouth of an animal?

They Both Take In Water.

Describe weather due to plant root growth?

trees, bushes, and other plants may take root in cracks in rocks. as the roots of these plants growth, they wedge open the cracks.

How do tree roots and ice mechanically weather rock?

Mechanical weathering is caused by ice by water seeping into a crack in, say, a rock. The water then freezes, pushing the crack a little wider. And next time, even wider. And so on. This process is called ice wedging. Mechanical weathering is caused by growing roots in a similar way. The roots grow bigger and bigger. As they grow larger, they push the soil and anything inside it apart.

How is mechanically weathering caused by ice wedging similar to mechanical weathering caused by plant roots?

because iits formed by it difrent minarels

How might roots help the tree in windy weather?

The roots might help it stay put. HOPE IT HELPED!