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tectonic plates fit together like a jigsaw puzzle that makes up the surface of earth. you could compare the lithosphere to the cracked shell of hard - boiled egg. the shell may be broken into many pieces but it still forms a crust around the egg itself.

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Q: Describe the structure of most tectonic plates?
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What is the structure of most tectonic plates?

Tectonic plates fit together like a jigsaw puzzel that makes up the earth.

What is the place where two plates come together called?

Tectonic plates are separated by "faults," places where the structure of the Earth is cracked. Most earthquakes occur along fault lines.

What are most tectonic plates composed of?

The Lithosphere.

Why are most of the earthquakes and volcanoes located at the border of the tectonic plates?

Beacause plates, at tectonic, boundaries shift against each other.

Where are volcanoes most likely to develop?

On tectonic plates.

What triggers the earthquake?

Earth is made up of many tectonic plates. When these plates shift, earthquakes happen. The tectonic plates are always moving, but most of the earthquakes are tremors (depends on how close you are to the place the tectonic plates are shifting).

Most earthquakes occur at the boundaries of these?

Most earthquakes occur at the boundaries of the tectonic plates. Tectonic plates are always in motion, and when two of them collide with one another it causes earthquakes.

Do tectonic plates seems to have had the most earthquakes activity?

No. Everything on earth is on at least one tectonic plate. It is the boundaries between different plates that see the most earthquake activity.

What is the cause of most earthquakes?

the movement of tectonic or lithoshereic plates

What are most of the tectonic plates named after?

The oceans around them or the continent they are on

Were do volcanoes appear the most?

Volcanoes appear most frequently along the boundaries of tectonic plates, such as the Pacific Ring of Fire, where many active volcanoes are found. These regions experience high levels of seismic and volcanic activity due to the movement and interactions of Earth's tectonic plates.

Where do Most earthquakes happen at the edge of?

Most earthquakes happen at the edge of tectonic plates, where the plates are colliding or sliding past each other. These areas are known as plate boundaries, and the stress and friction from the movement of the plates can lead to earthquakes.