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yellow- sun

black- darkness


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Q: Describe what colors and symbols on the Germany flag symbolize?
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its so you can tell the difference between them

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The big red spot represents the sun rising on a new nation.

What does germany's flag symbolize?

The colors in the German flag are black, red, and gold. These were also the colors of the flag of the holy Roman empire at one time. It symbolizes liberty for the people of Germany and was designed in 1848.

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Traditionally, red, yellow, and blue on the flag are considered to be blood, wheat and sky, but there is no scientific evidence.

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There are three colors in the bahamian flag aquamarine, black, and gold The black in the flag stands for the strength of the bahamian people the aquamarine stands for our beautiful beaches in the Bahamas and the gold represents the sun in the Bahamas

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D. Nice, Sweet, Cheery colors.

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There are a few colors which can be used to describe hate as well as anger. Colors which describe hate and anger include the colors of black and red.

Which elements explains symbols and map's use of colors?

all the colors

What do your flag's stripes represent?

It is not known what the colors symbolize.

What are the christmas colors in germany?

Green and white are the colors associated with Christmas in Germany.

What are the colors red and green?

Red and green can symbolize Christmas.