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The Egyptians were protected by the deserts from attacks by their enemies. This desert area was know to the Egyptian people as the Red Lands.

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Q: Deserts to the east and west protected the Egyptians from?
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How did Egyptians benefit from natural barriers?

There were deserts to the west and east of the Nile River. There were mountains to the south. This kept Egypt safe from other civilizations.

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East and west deserts

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Deserts in Egypt are located east and west of the Nile.

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Protected from war in the east by the Atlantic Ocean. Protected from war in the west by the Pacific Ocean.

Are the deserts in Egypt only to the east of the Nile River?

Deserts in Egypt are located east and west of the Nile.

Is the desert north south east or west?

That depends on your point of reference. But, yes, deserts are north, south, east and west of somewhere.

Are the deserts in Egypt only the east of the Nile?

No. The majority of Egypt's deserts are actually to the west of the Nile (even though there are deserts to the eat of the Nile).

Are the deserts of Egypt only east of the Nile?

No. The majority of Egypt's deserts are actually to the west of the Nile (even though there are deserts to the eat of the Nile).

How did Egyptians move east or west?

Ancient Egypt's wars were mostly conducted in the lands to the east and south of them.