

Details about atoms

Updated: 10/19/2022
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9y ago

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There are so many details about atoms that can be discussed. This is due to the fact that they are simplest unit of any object and thus are considered to be the building blocks of matter.

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Q: Details about atoms
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If Atoms of the same element are identical then why is it that diamond and graphite both made of carbon atoms are so different?

It has to do with how the atoms are connected. A full explanation of the details would be quite long, but basically the atoms in diamond are connected strongly in three dimensions but the atoms in graphite are connected strongly in only two dimensions.

How many atoms in Li?

Lithium hydroxide has three atoms in it, one each of lithium, hydrogen, and oxygen. Also note that lithium is Li, not LI. Little details matter to chemists. A capital I means iodine.

What kind if particles make up elements?

Atoms of the same kind. To be more precise, all atoms in an element have the same number of protons (but not necessarily the same number of neutrons - do some reading on "isotopes" for more details).

When did stable atoms form during the big bang?

About 378,000 years after the Big Bang. For more details, check the Wikipedia article on "Recombination (cosmology)".

If those two atoms were put next to each other which way would the electons go?

To figure out what would happen to the electrons when two atoms are placed together, details to electronic configuration of both the participating atoms will be required. For example if interacting atoms are of inert gas then no electrons will be shared or transferred. Refer to the periodic table of elements to get the idea about the electronic configuration of different elements.

How many atoms are in C4H12O6?

There are 24 atoms because C6 stands for 6 carbon atoms, H12 stands for 12 hydrogen atoms, and O6 stands for 6 oxygen atoms. C6H12O6 means Glucose, a.k.a "sugar for cells". If you want more details, you can look at the periodic table in Chemistry.

Can nuclear decay occur in atoms of oxygen?

It sure can; basically, each element has radioactive isotopes. Check the Wikipedia article "isotopes of oxygen" for more details.

How many atoms in LI OH?

I'm pretty sure there are 3 atoms because in Li2o, there are 2 atoms in lithium and 1 atom in oxygen.

Is a stone made of atoms?

All rock, with few exceptions (like obsidian), is made up of minerals.

How many hydrogen atoms are in honey?

Honey is not an primary element. It does not have consistent properties, such as the exact number of atoms or specific molecule form. Different types of honey have unique composition. Even the amount of water absorbed into the honey would significantly vary the number of hydrogen atoms in each honey sample. See related links for specific details about honey Composition and properties.

Is there a relationship of what atoms mix with what atoms?

there is no relationship of what atoms mix with what atoms