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Both Adam and Eve ate from the tree. In Quran, Muslims holy book, both Adam and Eve ate from the tree and accordingly both of them are held responsible of disobeying God (Allah) the Creator.

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Q: Did Eve give Adam some of the fruit to eat?
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Where did you get life?

From Adam and Eve. Adam was the first person in the earth. And eve was the second. they multiplied. And do you know what? Eve, and Adam sinned(they ate the fruit of good and knowlege) because they sinned, that is why there is pain when women give birth.

Did the snake trick Adam in the Adam and Eve story?

No, the snake tricked Eve into eating the fruit, then Eve persuaded Adam to eat it.

What did eating the fruit give to Adam and Eve?

Eating the fruit gave Adam and Eve knowledge of good and evil, resulting in their expulsion from the Garden of Eden as a consequence for disobeying God's command.

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Adam and eve got tempted to eat fruit from the forbidden tree. Jesus also got tempted to eat bread from the devil. Similarity. What was different was that jesus didn't give in, and adam and eve did give in.

Who ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil first?

Eve,and then Adam ate some.

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How Eve tempted Adam to share the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge?

Eve after eating the forbidden fruit convinced Adam to eat it and they would be like god.

What one prohibition did God give to Adam in Genesis 2?

all he asked adam not to do was eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. after eating the knowledge of good and evil fruit adam was banished from the garden along with eve who also ate the fruit.

Was Adam and Eve blind?

No, if they were blind then Eve would never has ate the fruit on the tree that satan was offering. Then adam and Eve wouldn't of disappointed God.

Where does the snake come from in the bible?

I am guessing that you mean that when does it first appear, it is as a serpent. In the story of Adam and Eve, the serpent is the one that tries to deceive Adam and Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. He eventually convinces Eve to eat the fruit and Eve convinces Adam to eat the fruit as well. They then were made to leave the garden because of their disobedience to God.

Did god really put Adam and Eve on earth?

Yes he did. He made Adam first but then took something out of Adam (man-kind) (a part of his skin I think) and made Eve (woman-kind). Then Eve later listened to a snake who told her to pick a forbidden fruit and eat it. She did and took some back for Adam. A piece of the fruit stuck in his throat creating Adam's apple.Hope this was useful peeps!

Who was present when the serpent tempted Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit?

God, Adam Eve and satan