What is energy created when the earth is heated?
The energy created when the Earth is heated comes from within the Earth's core, where heat is generated through the decay of radioactive elements and residual heat from the planet's formation. This heat energy drives processes like tectonic plate movement, volcanic activity, and the circulation of the Earth's molten iron core.
Was the ark of the Covenant and aaron's breastplate made at the same time?
Yes, according to the Bible, both the Ark of the Covenant and Aaron's breastplate were crafted as part of the instructions given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai. They were created as sacred items for use in the Tabernacle by skilled artisans under the guidance of Bezalel.
How did earth become habitable?
Earth became habitable due to a combination of factors including its distance from the sun, presence of liquid water, protective magnetic field, and a suitable atmosphere. These conditions allowed for the development of life over billions of years.
The human race.
Generally speaking, the Lebanese are descendant from the Ancient Phoenicians - some would consider part of the line of Javan or Greece today. Their appearance is commonly white skinned with light hair & eyes and have high check bones. They are not commonly considered part of the Arab peoples though a large part of the Lebanese community is Arab genetically.
Today, Lebanon has a wide variety of ethnicities living there. As noted above, the majority have Phoenician ancestry. A recent study lead by Greece concluded the following demographically: Lebanese Phoenicians/Canaanites make 50-70 % of the Lebanese people with the second largest ethnic group being those of Arab descent - 20-25%. The next largest grouping are the Syriac-Arameans ( West Aramaic ) 5-10 % . Greeks , Armenians , Hebrews , Assyrians , Kurds , Persians and other ethnic groups form the rest of the Lebanese community 10-15 % .
The Lebanese, from their earliest beginnings ( estimated by some to be circa 10,000 B.C. or earlier ) until the year 636 A.D, spoke the Phoenician language - the oldest language in the world . After the Arabs invaded in 636 AD, they enforced the Arabic language.
When did the dinosaurs die and how?
Dinosaurs went extinct around 65 million years ago due to a combination of factors, including a massive asteroid impact that led to extreme climate changes and environmental disruptions. These catastrophic events ultimately caused the mass extinction of the dinosaurs and many other species on Earth.
Dmitri Mendeleev developed two main themes in his textbook "The Principles of Chemistry": the concept of periodicity, which led to the creation of the periodic table of elements; and the idea that the properties of elements are dependent on their atomic weights, leading to the organization of elements into groups and periods based on their atomic mass and properties.
Does everyone have an Adams apple?
No, not everyone has an Adam's apple. It is more prominent in males due to the larger size of the larynx, which houses the vocal cords, in men compared to women. However, some women may also have a noticeable Adam's apple.
Microscopic single-celled organisms known as prokaryotes, such as bacteria, are believed to have been the first forms of life on Earth. They appeared around 3.5 to 4 billion years ago.
There were many species of dinosaurs that lived during the Mesozoic Era, but some well-known examples include Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor, Triceratops, and Stegosaurus. These dinosaurs varied in size, habitat, and diet, showcasing the diverse range of species that existed during that time.
The Adam's apple is a protrusion on the front of the neck caused by the thyroid cartilage surrounding the larynx or voice box. It is more prominent in males due to hormonal differences and helps protect the vocal cords.
Sin can create feelings of guilt, shame, and separation from others and from one's values or beliefs. It can also lead to negative consequences in relationships, mental health, and overall well-being. Addressing sin through acknowledgment, repentance, and seeking forgiveness can help restore inner peace and connection with one's values.
What was the Adam's apple named after?
the Adams apple is named as so because biblicaly in the story of Adam and eve when Adam ate the apple some of it got stuck down his throat so all men hav a ball in there throat known as the larynx and if you touch it, it feels like an apple so that is why its called that hope i helped
The story of Adam and Eve in religious texts is symbolic rather than literal. In reality, the concept of all people being connected to one another through distant ancestors is true due to evolution, but it doesn't imply direct incest among all individuals. Genetic diversity has been maintained through generations, preventing the harmful effects of inbreeding.
Meaning of Respect for the Dignity of Human Sexuality?
Respecting the dignity of human sexuality involves recognizing that each person's sexuality is an integral part of their identity and should be treated with honor, fairness, and understanding. It involves acknowledging the fundamental rights and autonomy of individuals in expressing their sexuality, free from discrimination, coercion, or harm. It also involves promoting positive and healthy attitudes towards sexuality that prioritize consent, safety, and mutual respect in relationships.
== == Adam and Eve obviously came first! It says in the Bible that Adam was the first man and Eve was the first woman. God created them making them the first people on earth or better said, the origin of all human kind. === === The cave men were most likely those who, in the post Babel dispersion, were forced to temporarily use caves for shelter and protection from wild animals. Some groups would also have not necessarily had the technology for building structures and so were forced to live in caves. So, as above, Adam and Eve certainly came first.The use of caves would certainly have been a temporary expedient, until more suitable shelter was either constructed or ability to construct developed. There are a number of problems with the suggested dates for human evolution and the development of agriculture, for example, which do not square with what we know of history and the actual evidence. The idea of cave men is, at least in the popular mind, connected with the idea that such were evolving into the humankind as we know it today, as they were not yet 'clever' enough to build houses or structures. The actual evidence that is found, however, indicates that humans have always been humans, with evidence of culture and sophistication, such as complex musical instruments, burial customs, and art. Thus, it is clear that Adam and Eve came first.
The term "cavemen" is a bit of a misnomer. Very few of the early hominids lived in caves. The popular view of caveman probably started in the 17th century, nowadays Neanderthals and Cro-magnon might be thought of as "cavemen" - of course it can be argued that prehistoric remains are much more likely to survive in caves that outside, so it can't be assumed that caves were common shelters. The earliest homo sapien fossils date from over 100,000 years BCE. The, somewhat confusing, calculations for the date of Adam and Eve dates them at around 4000 BCE. So if you accept the existence of a historical Adam & Eve, they postdate the earliest humans by many thousands of years. Who came first? Gee...that's not a very hard question. As mentioned above, I also know that Adam and Eve came first but there is also the posobility that Adam was a caveman himself after been pushed out of the garden of eden. Now, I will never know for sure, but there is always that possibility. Your call! :) The whole crux of this answer is how you interpret Genesis and the Adam and Eve story. Fundamental creationists will have us believe that the universe was created just 6000 years ago or so with Adam and Eve being created on the sixth day, because it says so in Genesis. Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary from the geological record, archaeology, ice core analysis and so on, the absolute scientific truth of Genesis is still postulated by Creationists who will not accept scientific evidence for the universe being a great deal (13 billion years?) older despite the overwhelming bank of evidence that suggests this. Often bizarre theories and couterarguments are postulated by them, most of which invoke pseudo-science and reduce Christians to laughing stocks. Sadly, within society those who would attack Christianity (such as the likes of Richard Dawking) latch on to this absurdity and then extrapolate this to the whole of Christianity - an 'if these Christians believe this rubbish then they are stupid - therefore there is no God' attitude. And, of course, Christians know that this is far from the truth. But the truth is that Genesis was never ever meant to be a scientific report on how the universe, and the earth, were created. As scripture, of course, it was inspired as the Word of God, but this does not mean that it should be taken absolutely literally. The same Creationists who accept Genesis as totally literal will also indict, say, Jehovah's Witnesses who take Revelation literally stating that only 144.000 will be saved because 'that is what it says in the Bible'. One cannot have one's cake and eat it. It also states two Creation stories in the Bible, which show some contradiction of each other - one in genesis Chapter 1, and the other in Genesis Chapter 2. Many Biblical scholars regard these being written by two different authors the 'Yahwist' (God-centred - where God is regarded as an aloof deity) author and a 'Priestly' (more human-centred, where God can walk and talk with humans) author. Some scholars regard these two stories as a foretaste of the Trinity and others as two different sources written at different times, by different people, with different agendas. The Hebrew word used in Genesis for 'day' (yom) has several meanings - one common meaning being a 'period of time'. It just so happened that in the earlier translations of Genesis the term 'day' was used. The idea of the 7 periods of time (rather than just 'days) is reinforced by the themes of 7 running through the Old testament - 7 days in the week with the 7th day being a day of rest, 7 years of crop growing with the 7th year with the ground being laid fallow, in the 7th year of slavery (the Jubillee year or sabbatical year) the slaves go free and so on. It is interesting to note that Genesis describes the order of Creation in these 7 periods of time (the universe, the solar system, seas, life in water, life on land, culminating in humanity) in total accordance with the scientific evidence, evidence which the writer (or writers) of Genesis (whether Moses or not) would not have privy knowledge unless Genesis was truly inspired by God the Creator in the first place. But note that the 'day' mentioned in Genesis was 'created' before the earth and sun - and so a normal 'day' as we would know it would not exist unless the earth had been already revolving in a 24 hour period. So the idea of 'day' as a 24 hour period is not in accordance with a universe created in a day - when the very mechanism that produces days had not yet been created. Next, look at Adam. The name 'Adam' means 'man' or 'mankind'. The name 'Eve' means 'from man'. This indicates that Adam and Eve are to represent the whole of humanity - a theme that runs throughout the Bible - and because of their turning away from God brought sin and death into the world. Unlike the animals, God made (hu)man in his own image. And yet, in the New Testament (John 4:24), we read that Jesus says God is spirit and not a human or physical form (hence Jesus' appearance on earth). So Adam, if he existed as a real person, was the first creature to be given a spiritual dimension - to be formed in the image of God. Let's forget about trees and apples for a minute (and the 'apple' doesn't get a mention anyway - it's the 'Fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil'!) and look at the whole picture. In the picturesque language that Genesis Adam, through Eve, rebels against God, and the spiritual bond between God and humans is broken. So, in Genesis we have a lesson in our own failings. God creates a universe, a world called earth, life is allowed to flourish, and humans become the pinnacle of that creation. These humanoid creatures are intelligent (just look at Stonehenge and Avebury in the UK and Newgrange in Ireland), gregarious, cultured and prolific in everything they do - but they are still animals in a sense as they lack their spiritual dimension. God creates then the first humans to have a spiritual dimension - and, in doing so, creates creatures in his own image, holy, and lacking sin. Instead of homo sapiens, let's call them "homo spiritualis" - spiritual man. But these creatures rebel, turn away from their creator and go their own way because they think they know best. Not only physical death is in the world - after all it has been there since life was created - but spiritual death enters too now. As Jesus himself said, we should not fear him who destroys the body, but we should fear him who destroys the soul (Matt 10:28). Incidentally many Creationists will also equate the devil with Satan and that, as a result of their disobedience Adam and Eve die. However, nowhere in the Genesis story is the devil mentioned. The serpent is talked of as the most cunning creature - but never equated with the devil nor assumed to be the devil. Also, no one dies in the story. No one is punished by death. Adam is punisd by being cast out of the garden and made to work tilling the soil for a living. Eve is punished by the ppains of childbirth and subservience to Adam. The first death we hear of is the murder of Abel by his brother Cain - death not at the hand of God, but by the hand of a fallen human. This must show one thing - God does not wish to punish by death - but for sinful humans murder, even in those days, is an all-too-frequent occurrence. So, to conclude, 'cavemen' as such (althoough there is little evidence many of them actually lived in caves), I believe, evolved as humanoid creatures many thousands of years ago. But, if there was a person called Adam, he may well have been the first spiritual human, created in God's own spiritual image, who appeared on earth possibly much later. But let's not get hung up on the literality of the creation stories of Genesis as they were never meant to be taken absolutely literally anyway. To read Genesis just as a literal story denudes it of the great truths hidden within the words - and sadly this is very much what literal Creationists do. Forget cavemen, forget Adam and Eve. The facts and truths that Genesis thunders out, if we would only see them, are that we are all made in the image of God, that we rebelled, and that spiritual death entered the world not long before we were given the chance of eternal life. In oother words, we blew it. Enter Jesus Christ who, through his life, death and resurrection, made possible that restoration of the bond between God and those creatures whom he made in His own image, so long ago.
How do people begin taking succinamides?
People typically begin taking succinamides under the guidance of a healthcare provider who will prescribe the medication. It is important to follow the prescribed dosage and instructions for taking succinamides to ensure their safety and effectiveness in managing seizures. Regular monitoring and follow-up with a healthcare provider is also recommended.
The term "yowser" is a slang expression that originated in the United States in the early 20th century. It is often used to show excitement, surprise, or enthusiasm about something. The exact origin of the word is not well documented, but it has been used in various contexts in American English slang.
How long ago did man first develop on earth?
Scientists say that the first hominids evolved around seven million years ago, although we would probably not yet recongise these early ancestors as humans. A later ancestor, Homo habilis, evolved around 2 million years ago. We could begin to see ourselves in Homo habilis, although this species was still a long way from present man. Homo erectus evolved around 1.6 million years ago. Modern humans, Homo sapiens, are believed to have developed more than two hundred thousand years ago. At this early stage, humans had developed only a primitive lifestyle and culture, but anatomically and mentally they were little different to people on the street today.
Answer 2.
1. Judaeo-Christian Bible Prototype:
Man as Adam was placed in Eden on the third day - being explicated as the age before the forming of the cosmos on the fourth day - the following age.
Since Eden and Adam were formed before the physical world came into existence, they are of an empyreal nature.
The (NASA) estimated age of the cosmos is 13.77 billion years, and so Spiritual Adam or Man developed within empyreal Eden being on empyreal earth, over 13.77 billion years ago.
2. Cosmogony Prototype:
Man - predicated as an enlightened creature of the cosmos - was able to exist or develop on a cosmic earth or planet, from when the first stars and primordial galaxies were formed. Recent estimations have these as being formed between 300 million to 500 million years in the age of the cosmos, from when matter came into existence.
3. Our Planet Prototype:
Man, as an enlightened creature of this planet named Earth - first developed when the 'Man' genome was triggered, through epigenetic factors.
The threshold between dull beast and enlightened Man {written within wisdom scriptures of Prototype 1.are texts where one has the explication that at the time of conception, the soul of Man enters into the genome, and so Man is never beast, or bird, etc} would then be when genetic studies determine that Man was only breeding among their own evolved kind.
Studies showing that avenue of time are answered in an arbitrary manner, by the historical observation of manlike behavior constituting Man, among our early ancestors, those as given,(in the first answer).
There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that Adam and Eve were Cro-magnon. The story of Adam and Eve is a religious myth within the context of the Abrahamic religions, while Cro-magnon refers to a specific population of early modern humans in Europe. These two concepts come from different realms of understanding.
Were the Homo erectus the first people on earth?
No, Homo erectus were not the first people on earth. They existed around 1.9 million to 140,000 years ago, while earlier hominids such as Homo habilis and Australopithecus had already appeared before them in the evolutionary timeline.
If the world started with Adam and Eve what does that make us all?
If the world started with Adam and Eve, then according to Christian belief, they are considered the first humans and thus are the ancestors of all humanity. This view is central to the creation story in the Bible, which states that all humans are descended from Adam and Eve.
The concept of Adam and Eve as the first humans is a religious belief and not a scientific fact. Human genetic diversity comes from a long history of migration, intermixing, and adaptation to different environments over thousands of years. Skin color variation is a result of genetic adaptation to different climates and UV exposure.
The story of Adam and Eve in the Bible is a religious story, not a literal account of human history or the origin of life on Earth. From a scientific perspective, human evolution occurred over millions of years through natural processes without extraterrestrial intervention. So, humans are not descendants of aliens in the literal sense.