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no he did not.

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Q: Did Albert save Virginia life in titanic crossing?
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How many clowns on the Titanic?

Nobody was specifically a clown on Titanic but Albert Stewart, who lost his life in the sinking, was a designer of posters for both concerts and circuses, so he probably had some carny life in him.

What lie would cost Albert his life in lily's crossing?

In the book "Lily's Crossing" by Patricia Reilly Giff, the lie that Albert tells Lily about his father being a war hero could potentially cost him his life if the truth were to come out. This lie affects their friendship and could lead to serious consequences if Lily were to discover the truth about Albert's father.

How many life preservers did the titanic carry?

Titanic had 48 life rings with beckets.

How many life boats did Titanic not use when Titanic was sinking?


Why weren't they enough life boats in the Titanic?

The Titanic was complying with the regulations of the time.

What saved a man's life in Titanic?

A life belt.

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How could the people in the Titanic responded better?

The Titanic could of had more life boats

How meny peoplo stay life in titanic?

There were 712 survivors of Titanic scattered in the lifeboats.

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The cast of The Kick in High Life - 1920 includes: Heinie Conklin Charlotte Dawn Hugh Fay Virginia Rappe Albert Ray Billie Ritchie

What has the author Albert Colby written?

Albert Colby has written: 'Incidents in the life of Albert Colby'

What was jack dawson on the Titanic?

If you mean in real life, he wasn't on the Titanic... Just a fictional character.