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Q: Did Alhazen have a family
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Where did Alhazen come from?

He come from Iraq.

Who was Alhazen parents?

vivian and greg

What did alhazen invent?

He invented the camera obscura

What does scientist Alhazen discovered?

Alhazen, known as the "father of modern optics," made significant contributions to the field of optics. He formulated the first comprehensive theory of vision and documented the anatomy of the eye. Alhazen also discovered the principles of reflection and refraction of light.

When was alhazen born?

Alhazen, the Latinized name of Abū 'Alī al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham, was born Basra, in what was then part of the Abbasid Caliphate is now in the Republic of Iraq, in 965.

Which were the classical works were integrated into alhazen's perspectiva?

In Alhazen's "Perspectiva," he integrated classical works on optics, particularly those of Euclid and Ptolemy. Alhazen built upon their theories and experiments to develop his own understanding of vision and light. His work was instrumental in advancing the field of optics beyond what the classical works had established.

Who discovered rectilinear propagation of light?

Ibn al-Haytham, also known as Alhazen, a Persian scientist in the 11th century, is credited with discovering the rectilinear propagation of light. He conducted experiments and observations to understand how light travels in straight lines. His work laid the foundation for modern optics.

When and where did alhazen live?

He was believed to be born in 965 and died in 1040. He lived in Basra, Arab (current day Iraq) and Cairo, Egypt.

Where did alhazen work?

Alhazen, also known as Ibn al-Haytham, worked in various places throughout his life including Baghdad, Cairo, and possibly also in Basra and Isfahan. He was a prominent scientist, mathematician, and astronomer who made significant contributions to optics, physics, and the scientific method during the Islamic Golden Age.

How was the cameras originally made?

Alhazen (Ibn Al-Haytham), a great authority on optics in the Middle Ages who lived around 1000AD, invented the first pinhole camera,

Where did Kitab al Manazir live?

Kitab al manazir is the name of a book written by Ibn al-Haytham (also known as Alhazen) who wrote his book while in captivity in Cairo, Egypt. He was an Iraqi. The book is also known as "Thesaurus optica."