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Q: Did Americans want a strong central government?
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What did nationalists want in a new American government?

A strong central government

What did conservatives want?

A strong central government

What nationalist want in a new government?

A strong central government

What nationalists want in a new American government?

A strong central government

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What did the the anti- federalists want?

The Anti Federalists did not want a strong central government.

What were many Americans wary of because they had just overthrown a king?

Colonial America had just won Independence from Britain. The Federalist Papers were written by Madison Hamilton and Jay and argued in favor of a strong central government, but Americans feared a central government. They did not want to be "ruled" again.

What was something the anti-federalists did not want?

The Anti Federalists did not want a strong central government.

At the time the Constitution was written what did conservatives want?

A strong central government.

What did nationalist want in new American governments?

a strong central government

After what did many Americans want a strong national government?

Shay's Rebellion