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Yes Andrew Jackson got and kepted us out of dept by paying the Government (bank) the money that we all owed.

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Q: Did Andrew Jackson get and keep the us out of debt?
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What US president paid off the entire national debt?

In January 1835, Andrew Jackson paid off the entire national debt. It was the only time in history and it lasted one year. (Bill Clinton had one 12-month period, late in his second term, in which the debt was not increased. )

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No, Andrew Jackson was married to Rachel Donelson Robards Jackson.

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Andrew Jackson was 7th president of US. John Tyler was 10th president of US.

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NO. The US was at peace while Jackson was President.

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Which presidents pet parrot had to be ejected from his funeral?

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Yes, Andrew Jackson had been a Senator prior to winning the Battle of New Orleans and prior to becoming President.

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