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Niether,Gus Grissom situated himself in his seat and an exposed wire caught a spark,and since the only thing in there was oxygen a fire broke loose really fast and within 17 seconds all three crew members died.They tried to escape but that was when they bolted the doors shut on the outside not being able to open them from the inside.

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3w ago

The Apollo 1 mission experienced a cabin fire during a pre-launch test, resulting in the deaths of all three astronauts onboard: Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee. The fire was caused by an electrical fault, and not by the rocket itself.

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Q: Did Apollo 1 rocket blow up or the command model?
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Apollo 13 did not blow up. An oxygen tank exploded on the spacecraft, causing damage that forced the mission to be aborted. The explosion occurred while the spacecraft was en route to the moon on April 13, 1970.

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Yes December 27 1968

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It was 14/4/1970.

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The oxygen tank on Apollo 13 exploded due to damaged wiring inside the tank, which caused a short circuit when the tank was stirred. This led to a fire and subsequent explosion that severely damaged the spacecraft.

How do you shoot the rocket down in the campaign for call of duty black ops?

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