

Did Apollo have a significant other?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: Did Apollo have a significant other?
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What other culture is Apollo in?

Apollo is also a significant figure in Greek mythology. He is the Greek god of music, poetry, prophecy, and healing. He is often depicted as a youthful and handsome god, associated with sunlight and enlightenment.

What significant thing did Apollo 7 do for the first time?

After the tragic fire of Apollo 1 , Apollo made the space mission move on again.

What significant actions or crimes did Apollo do?

Slayed Dython the Srepent

What significant actions or crimes Apollo did?

Slayed Dython the Srepent

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Zeus probably liked them both the same. He entrusted Apollo with more significant powers than any other god. Zeus gave Artemis everything she wanted when she was a young goddess.

What was the Apollo 11 shuttle called?

First of Apollo 11 was not a Shuttle craft, as it mot at all reusable. It is called the apollo 11 after the other Apollo starting with Apollo 7.

Was the Apollo project successful?

Yes, Project Apollo (or the Apollo Program) was successful, as it landed 12 men on the moon, the only program to ever do so. Also, through the Apollo Program, NASA learned invaluable lessons and made many significant discoveries from their findings on the moon.

What missions have not reached the moon?

Apollo 13, Apollo 1, Apollo 8, Apollo 10 and maybe some other ones. But missions Apollo 8 and Apollo 10 weren't planned to go to the moon. They were just preparing for Apollo 11.

Did Ares and Apollo like each other?

Apollo really liked Ares but Ares was to bashful to admit he liked Apollo.

What is the weakness of Apollo?

Apollo is the sun God, and son of Zeus. Apollo had weaknesses for the nymphs and other beautiful or attractive women.

What are some other names for the Roman god Apollo?

Apollon( or apollo) was the great olympian god of prophecy and oracles, healing, acesius. Acestor, Soter, and other names and epithtes appllied to apollo.

How were Apollo and Eros jealous of each other?

They were not jealous of each other. Eros was angry at Apollo for making fun of his archery skills.