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No she dose not

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Q: Did Bella bite Jacob in breaking dawn?
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Who is the dog in the picture in Bella's room in breaking dawn?


What does Edward ask Jacob to do if Bella dies in breaking dawn?

Edward asks Jacob to kill him if Bella dies.

How many parts are in the book breaking dawn?

3 technically, it starts out with Bella, then part two is Jacob, then it goes back to Bella

Is Bella the narater in breaking dawn or Jacob or both?

First, Bella starts out as the narrator in Breaking Dawn. Then, Jacob is the narrator for a couple chapters and makes him sound really obnoxious. Then, to finish up the rest of the book, Bella narrates.

Who does Jacob inprint?

Renesmee in breaking dawn, she is Bella's baby girl

Related questions

Does Bella ever kiss Jacob in breaking dawn?

no Bella didn't kiss Jacob in Breaking Dawn coz she marries Edward

In what chapter of breaking dawn does Edward bite Bella?

From Jacob's point of view, Chapter 18 From Bella's point of view, Chapter 19

Who is Jacob to Bella?

Jacob in the end of Breaking Dawn is Bella's son-in-law.

On what page in Breaking Dawn do Bella and Jacob kiss?

they kiss in eclipse not breaking dawn

Does Bella and Jacob make love in breaking dawn?

no but Bella and Edward do!!!

Does Jacob get Bella pregnant in breaking dawn?

No Edward Does

Does Jacob become a vampire in breaking dawn?

No, but Bella does.

Who is the naraotor of Breaking Dawn the book?

Bella and Jacob both narrarate Breaking Dawn. Bella narrarates part 1 and 3 and Jacob narrarates part 2.

What page does edward bite Bella in breaking dawn?

Book Two during Jacob Black's part. In the ending of it about too go too Book Three for Bella.

Why does Bella have a fight with Jacob in Breaking Dawn?

Because Jacob Imprints on Bella & Edwards Daughter, Renesmee.

Does the baby bite Bella in breaking dawn or edward?

I think that she does when she is a baby. It doesn't hurt, though, and she isn't poisonous like her relatives are---her favorite person to bite is Jacob.

What happens to Jacob and Bella?

By the end of the last book, Breaking Dawn, Jacob and Bella continue to be friends, but Jacob no longer loves Bella.