

Twilight Breaking Dawn

Ask questions about Breaking Dawn, the fourth and final book in the Twilight Saga, which was released in 2008.

777 Questions

What is unstoppable?

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Unstoppable typically refers to something that cannot be halted or prevented from progressing or achieving its goal. It suggests a relentless force or determination that cannot be overcome.

What happened in Breaking Dawn Part 1?

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This is the plot out line for Breaking Dawn part1 and Part 2 :

Bella and Edward are married, but their honeymoon is cut short when Bella discovers that she is pregnant. Her pregnancy progresses rapidly, severely weakening her. She nearly dies giving birth to her and Edward's half-vampire-half-human daughter, Renesmee, but Edward injects Bella with his venom to save her life and turns her into a vampire. A vampire from another coven sees Renesmee and mistakes her for an "immortal child". She informs the Volturi, as the existence of such beings violates vampire law. The Cullens gather vampire witnesses who can verify that Renesmee is not an immortal child. After an intense confrontation, the Cullens and their witnesses convince the Volturi that the child poses no danger to vampires or their secret, and they are left in peace by the Volturi.

Who is Bella Swan?

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Bella Swan is a fictional character from the "Twilight" series written by Stephenie Meyer. She is portrayed as a human who falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen and gets involved in a supernatural world. Bella is known for her bravery, loyalty, and deep love for her family and friends.

What does Edward mean in the last scene of breaking dawn when he tells Bella there's one exception?

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In the last scene of "Breaking Dawn," when Edward tells Bella there's one exception, he is referring to the unique ability of their half-human, half-vampire daughter, Renesmee. The exception is that she is not a typical vampire or human, but a special hybrid with powers that defy traditional vampire traits.

What comes first dawn or twilight?

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Twilight comes before dawn. Twilight is the period of dim light before sunrise, while dawn is the specific moment when the sun rises above the horizon.

What is the song renesmee plays in breaking dawn with edward?

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The song Renesmee plays for Edward in Breaking Dawn is called "Bella's Lullaby." It was composed by Carter Burwell for the Twilight film series.

What do the werewolves in the twilight series look like?

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Reneesme Cullen -- she looks like a mixture of Edward and Bella.

She has fairly long dark red hair in tossled curls that reaches the end of her back.

A round face and thin nose with creamy colored skin and flushed pink cheelks

A round face and replicated chocolate brown eyes from Bella.

A slender but stubbed body and long dark brown lashes.

Pale skin, bronze curly hair, shell pink lips, chocolate brown eyes and white pearl teeth.

she has Edwards bone-structure and Bella's brown eyes and charlie's curly brown hair

What does Edward meant when he says that he is still debating it in twilight breaking dawn part 2?

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In "Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2," when Edward says he is still debating something, he is likely referring to a decision or course of action that is still uncertain or being considered. This suggests that he is still weighing the options and has not yet made a final decision.

What is the song playing when Bella and Edwards see their new home in Breaking Dawn Part II?

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The song playing when Bella and Edward see their new home in Breaking Dawn Part II is "Everything and Nothing" by the band The Boom Circuits.

What time does breaking dawn start?

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Breaking dawn is a movie, so the time it starts would depend on the movie theater and their schedule. It is recommended to check the showtimes for the specific theater you plan to visit.

Is renesmee in twilight breaking dawn part 2 a vampire or a human?

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In the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part Two, Renesmee Cullen is half-vampire and half-human. Blood flows through her veins and she can eat human food but prefers blood. She is stronger then the average human and seems to have skin nearly as impenetrable as a vampire's. In the sunlight, she doesn't sparkle like a vampire and she has brown eyes that stay a constant brown, they do not change color. She is not venomous but possesses a gift like a vampire would. Hope I helped.

What does the voulturi want from the Cullens in Breaking Dawn?

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In "Breaking Dawn," the Volturi want the Cullens to hand over Renesmee, the hybrid child of Bella and Edward, because they believe she poses a threat to the vampire world's secrecy. They fear Renesmee's rapid growth and unique abilities could expose the existence of vampires to humans.

Do the Cullen's celebrate Christmas in 'Breaking Dawn'?

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In "Breaking Dawn," the Cullens do celebrate Christmas. They have a tradition of finding a Christmas tree in the forest and decorating it together as a family. This shows their efforts to integrate into human customs despite being vampires.

What is the story of Twilight saga Breaking Dawn?

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"Breaking Dawn" is the fourth novel in the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. It follows the marriage, pregnancy, and birth of human-vampire hybrid Renesmee, causing tensions between the vampire and werewolf factions. The story concludes with a confrontation against the Volturi in an attempt to protect Renesmee and the Cullen family.

How old is Seth in Breaking Dawn?

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Seth Clearwater is around 15 years old in "Breaking Dawn," the fourth book in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer.

Who plays Kachiri in Breaking Dawn?

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Breaking dawn isn't even a movie yet stupid.

I hate when people tell other people that they are stupid. You are the one that is stupid so don't tell that person that. Get a life and stop ruining other people lifes!

Why did the Volturi kill Iriana in Breaking Dawn?

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In the Twilight series, the Volturi are a powerful coven of vampires who enforce the laws and customs of the vampire world. In the fourth book, Breaking Dawn, the Volturi learn that a vampire named Irina has falsely accused the Cullens, a rival vampire coven, of creating an immortal child, which is strictly forbidden by vampire law. The Volturi punish Irina for her false accusation by killing her.

What does it mean when someone says Jacob imprinted on bella?

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When the werewolves imprint that means they find their one and only true love or their soul mate!


Jacob imprints on Bella's daughter (Renesmee; "Nessie").

Like it's not gravity holding you to the groud it's her

Who dies in Twilight Breaking Dawn?

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Irina from the Denali coven.

There may be others, I am not sure.

None of the Cullens, Quilute, or main humans die.

Harry Clearwater dies in Eclipse or Breaking Dawn.

i think Jake might die maybe ed or bell bit him for hanging out with ressie dunno :P

What message does the author convey in breaking dawn?

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In "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer, the author conveys messages of the power of love, faith, and sacrifice. The story explores themes of family, loyalty, and the complexities of making choices that have far-reaching consequences. Meyer also touches on the idea of acceptance and embracing differences.

Is there three sections of Breaking Dawn?

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Yes, "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer is divided into three parts: "Book One: Bella," "Book Two: Jacob," and "Book Three: Bella." Each part focuses on different perspectives and developments in the story.

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer?

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"Breaking Dawn" is the fourth and final book in the "Twilight" series by Stephanie Meyer. It follows Bella Swan and Edward Cullen as they face new challenges in their relationship, including Bella becoming a vampire and the birth of their daughter, Renesmee. The book explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the consequences of immortality.

What happened at the end of Breaking Dawn?

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At the end of Breaking Dawn, Bella successfully becomes a vampire and she and Edward happily settle into their new life together with their daughter Renesmee. The Cullens and werewolves agree to coexist peacefully, and the Volturi back down from their initial threat after discovering Renesmee isn't a threat to their existence. The book closes on a hopeful note with Bella and Edward looking forward to their future.

What did Stephenie Meyer mean when Jaob imprinted on Renesmee?

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In the Twilight series, when Jacob imprints on Renesmee, it's meant to signify a deep connection and devotion that goes beyond romantic love. It's a supernatural bond that is meant to protect and care for the person imprinted on, in this case, Renesmee.

Resolution for Breaking Dawn?

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In "Breaking Dawn," the resolution occurs when the conflict between the Cullens and the Volturi is peacefully resolved through Bella's unique abilities. The Volturi back down and leave without causing a fight, allowing the Cullens to continue living peacefully with their daughter, Renesmee. Bella's transformation into a vampire is also completed, bringing a sense of closure and newfound strength to her character.