

Twilight Eclipse

Eclipse is the third installment in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer.

362 Questions

What is the problem in eclipse?

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Victoria wants Bella to die because she is Edwards mate and Edward killed her mate James. So she tricks Riley into creating an army of newborn vampires to kill the Cullens.

Is it true that soul switch in the middle on a solar eclipse?

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No, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that souls switch during a solar eclipse. Solar eclipses are natural astronomical events caused by the moon blocking the sun, and they do not have any impact on the transference of souls.

What prairie did eclipse movie use?

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The "Twilight Saga: Eclipse" movie used the prairie located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada as a filming location for various scenes involving the characters. The vast open spaces and natural beauty of the prairie provided a stunning backdrop for the dramatic events in the movie.

What does the ribbon represent on the cover of eclipse?

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It symbolizes four things..

1) One end symbolizes Edward, the other end symbolizes Jacob.The ribbon symbolizes her two choices of love or the person she can choose to stay with.

2) The ribbon also symbolizes the choices she has.One to become a vampire and stay with edward, or stay human and stay with Jacob.

3) I think the cover symbolizes that Bella seems to not be able to let go of her human life. The ribbon is connected by a string. She is desperately trying to hold onto her human life, and Jacob, and her new life, Edward.

4) I think the cover symbolizes her love for Edward on the small end, and her love for Jacob on the larger side. The rip symbolizes how she's torn between the two. Bella loves Jacob more but she doesnt want to stay human, she loves Edward but its between who she should be and who she is. She just wants to be a vampire and never get old, but nevermind that she loves Jacob more get over it. Jacob Black/ Taylor Lautner is reallyhott!. Edward Cullen/ Robert Pattinson is not very cute. Analise Stewart xoxo!

5)The broken ribbon represents choice, as in the book Bella must choose between her love for Edward Cullen, her vampire boyfriend, and her friendship/love with Jacob Black.

6)The ribbon could represents Bella being torn in half because she must choice between Edward and Jacob, and it could also mean how she is hanging on a thread and how she was so broken because edward left in new moon and now she is basically recovering from lossing him.
The ribbon is Bella and is torn apart between Edward and Jacob.

If you can play the piano can you play the organ?

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Not necessarily. You have the skills to play keyboards and read music, but organs are completely different and require a knowledge of how to work the pedals, pull out stops, etc. If you can play the have aptitude for playing the organ and you will need additional training.

What does Edward meant when he says that he is still debating it in twilight breaking dawn part 2?

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In "Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2," when Edward says he is still debating something, he is likely referring to a decision or course of action that is still uncertain or being considered. This suggests that he is still weighing the options and has not yet made a final decision.

What guided reading level is Eclipse?

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The guided reading level of "Eclipse" by Stephenie Meyer is around a P to Q, which is approximately equivalent to a 5th or 6th grade reading level.

What is the book Eclipse main events?

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In the book "Eclipse" by Stephenie Meyer, some of the main events include the growing tension between Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, and Jacob Black, the emergence of a new group of vampires known as the newborns, and the battle between the Cullens and the newborn vampires. Additionally, Bella must make a decision about her future with Edward and her friendship with Jacob is tested.

If Renesmee Cullen and Jacob had a child would it explode?

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No, Renesmee and Jacob's child would not explode. In the Twilight universe, their offspring would likely inherit a unique blend of vampire and werewolf traits, but they would not explode.

How does Jacob get hurt in eclipse?

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Jacob gets hurt when he tries to protect Bella from Victoria's newborn vampire army. During the battle, he is injured by one of the vampires and sustains serious wounds. Bella's quick thinking and medical attention help to save his life.

What do the Italian phrases in twilight mean?

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The Italian phrases in Twilight are translated as follows: "La tua cantante" means "Your singer" and "La tua imputata" means "Your defendant." These phrases are used by the vampires in the story to describe humans that are particularly desirable or intriguing to them.

What is the name of Charlie's favorite restaurant in eclipse?

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In "Eclipse," Charlie's favorite restaurant is Bella Italia. He enjoys eating there with his daughter Bella.

What chapter in eclipse does Alice hold Bella hostage?

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Alice holding Bella hostage does not occur in the book "Eclipse" by Stephenie Meyer. This event might be confused with a different scene or from fan fiction. In the actual book, Alice plays a key role in protecting Bella and helping the Cullens throughout the story.

Listen to eclipse book on tape for free?

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You can check if your local library offers downloadable audiobooks through apps like OverDrive or Libby, which may have "Eclipse" available. Alternatively, websites like Audible offer a free trial period with one audiobook credit, which you can use to listen to "Eclipse". Just remember to cancel the subscription before the trial ends to avoid charges.

In witch chapter in eclipse does Jacob kiss Bella Does she get mad?

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Asked by Edwardcullen14

In Chapter 15 Jacob kisses Bella against her will, she gets pissed and punches Jacob managing to break her hand. Charlie finds it funny (-_-). Edward gets pissed and tells Jacob he needs to wait for Bella to tell him (Jacob) to kiss her.

What do vampires change into?

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Vampires are as real as the hair on your head i should know im one of themMy name is Nikki cook i live in frankfort KYThat depends on the vampire and the age of that vampire. The mostly commonly known transformation is the bat. Old age vampires didn't change into very much. Gothic vampires such as Dracula could change into many things. In the story, he changes into a bat, a dog, dust, wind and moonlight. Modern vampires in movies often change into bats, but vampires in modern literature rarely turn into anything.

Fresh clothes, evening wear if the occasions demands it.

During the presidency of George W. Bush many vampires changed into Democrats.

Are vampires humans?

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Vampires are commonly portrayed as creatures with supernatural abilities that are distinct from humans. In popular culture, they are often depicted as undead beings that feed on blood. While some stories may blur the lines between vampires and humans, traditionally they are considered separate entities.

What is after twilight eclipse?

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Who is Bree Tanner from Eclipse in the Twilight Series?

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she is one of the new born vampires, but she surrenders before the cullens destroyed her like the rest. the cullens were willing to train bree and take full responsibility for her, but Jane would not let them. Jane killed bree because Jane said she went against the law.

Did Nikki reed die her hair blonde for eclipse?

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Yes her hair is naturally brunette so she had to die her hair for all of the twilight films

In Eclipse what is Bellas Grandmothers name?

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  1. Marie i think...

Does Jane love edward in The Twilight Saga?

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No. Absolutely not!!

At the end of Eclipse when Jacob runs away how long does he stay away for?

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Because he couldn't stand the fact that Bella was marrying Edward. Also because he couldn't stand it that Bella was going to be vamped. Basically, he couldn't stand the realities of his life.

What is the plot outline for Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer?

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The basic plot of eclipse is Bella choosing to go with either Edward or Jacob, while she is trying to decide Victoria is making a vampire army and wants to kill Bella for revenge of her lover James

Who dies in twighlight eclipse?

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Everyone dies, in the book Y2K strikes couple years later than expected and kills everyone except the Voltouri,Later in the books Edward bites the dieing Bella therefore resulting in Bella finally being turned into a vampire however, she is already dead so it is too late!