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Q: Did Bernard Montgomery survive World War 2?
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Who was the British General called Monty during world war 2?

Bernard Montgomery

Who is monty World War 2?

Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery.

British general called monty during World War 2?

Bernard Montgomery

Who is the world war 2 british genaral?

The most famous one was General Bernard Law Montgomery, nicknamed 'Monty'. Some others being ; - Sir William Slim, (nicknamed 'Uncle Bill') General Claud Auckinleck General Wavell There were many more too!!! Admirals for the Royal Navy being; - Admiral Andrew Bertram Cunningham (nicknamed 'ABC' ) Admiral Ramsay Admiral Somerville

Who was the general who lead England to victory in world war 2?

Bernard Montgomery.

British commander during World War II?

the main commander was Bernard Montgomery

British general in World War 2 called monty?

Monty : Bernard Montgomery .

What did Bernard Montgomery do?

He was a senior British Army commander during World War 2.

Who was the American field general in Africa during World War 2?

Bernard Montgomery ^ He was British.

Who was the general of Britain in World War 2?

The main British Army commander was Bernard Montgomery.

What World War 2 terms start with b?

Bernard Montgomery was the British Field Marshal

Who was the most well-known British General in World War 2?

Bernard Montgomery (Monty).