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First of all let me say Bob Marley rocks, but I don't tink he used peanut butter to make his dreadlocks. I don't think anyone does LOL Indeed, no one intelligent would use peanut butter on locks. It would be similar to filling your car up with milk instead of gasoline... it just doesn't make any sense. Most people will use dreadlock wax, even though some are strongly against the use of wax.

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Q: Did Bob Marley use peanut butter to make his dreadlocks?
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The First person to make peanut butter?

A German Shepherd first tasted peanut butter.

Does peanut butter grow on a plant?

NO!Of course not. Peanut butter is made in a factory. But peanuts grow on a plant, in order to make peanut butter!

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no he did not make peanut he made peanut butter

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That is what you do to make a "peanut butter and jelly" sandwich.

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Can you make peanut butter balls with just peanut butter?

Yes, it is very simple.

Can you make brownies out of peanut butter?

A brownie requires chocolate-like substances, along with multiple other ingredients. If you only used peanut butter, it wouldn't be a brownie, but more of a peanut butter sculpture in the shape of a brownie. I don't think you can make a brownie out of just peanut butter but im sure you could put peanut butter chips into it and make it be chocolate and peanut butter! That sounds good!

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no you cant

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Who make dreadlocks for Bob Marley?

They don't make dreads... They just let the hair grow and forms dreads naturaly