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Q: Did Charles Mann succeed in his purpose for writing Coming of Age in the Dawn land?
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What is the purpose of Canada's immigration and refugee protection act?

The purpose of this act is to respect the immigrants coming to Canada and to give protection to those refugees who came here because of difficulties in their homeland.

Who are the people that are coming to the island in lost season 4?

I think only Ben knows. Jack and his group think they are a rescue team.....I think not! ........ Yeah, well I'm writing this after Season 4 so it isn't just guess work. The last thing you saw, from memory, was Niomi coming in the helecopter which crashes, that helecopter had come off a freighter called the 'Kahana' which was sent by Charles Whitmoore who is trying to kill Ben Linus. There is also more to add but instead of reading this I suggest you do some research if your still bothered =P

What was the purpose of the Whitman mission?

The purpose of the Whitman mission was to teach the Indians of Christianity. However, as the mission continued the people in the mission ytied to change the Native American's cultures as well. Also, the Whitman mission was also a important stop for the emigrants that weas coming into the west.

When will cyberboy season 7 come out?

My name is ........ and i am writing to you about cyberboy i am the creater of cyberboy and i cane tell you that cyberboys and cyberheros first episode of season 7 is coming out on the 26/03/09 so stay toon bye!!

Why does Mona follow them on Pretty Little Liars?

Mona follows Hanna, Aria, Spencer and Emily so she can find on secrets from there current lives. Ali's diary only has there secrets from when Ali was writing it which was three years before texts from A start coming in...

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Charles W. Hoffman has written: 'The Coming Messiah'

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This is a term that you can use in writing. It can help to explain where you are coming from.

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A accomplishment don by Charles Richter is the Richter scale made to know when an earthquake is coming.