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Q: Did Chistoper Columbus discover India
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Did Columbus discover India?


What did christopher Columbus wish to establish and discover?

Christopher Columbus wished to establish and discover a shorter trade route to India. He was also hoping to discover new spices, silks, and gems.

What did Columbus discover in Europe?

Columbus did not discover anything in Europe. He left Europe and sailed westward, seeking a route to India, and ended up discovering American.

Who granted permission to Columbus to discover sea route to India?

queen victoria

Why did Ferdinand and Isabella send Columbus to new world?

To discover a western route to India.

What was cloumbus goals?

The goal for Columbus had to do with the spice trade. He set out to discover a better route to India. Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer.

What did christopher columbus discover besides america?

apart from America Christopher Coloumbs also discover China and India!!!

Why was the King of Spain happy when Christopher Columbus discovered India?

Christopher Columbus did not discover India. India was known centuries before his birth. I don't believe he ever got to India. He was trying to find a shorter route to the Indies when he tripped across the Americas.

Why did christopher Columbus go on his main voyage was it to discover America?

He was looking for a water route to Asia, wanted riches, and fame.

Christopher Columbus discover India what year?

Christopher Columbus first came across native Americans in 1492. He documented the encounter in his journal.

Columbus's main goal in 1942?

to find India but instead he found a new world which is now America.Back then they thought the found India to teach the natives they ways and religion but Columbus was not the first to discover the new world.Vicking were the first but they didn't tell until after Columbus.

How did they found out that the earth was round?

christopher Columbus was trying to discover another route for going to the India. So he went in ship to America, but he thought America was India.