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Q: Did Columbus land in the East Indies?
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Did Christopher Columbus discover the East Indies?

No. Columbus discovered the West Indies while trying to reach the East Indies, which the Europeans already knew existed.

Why Columbus design the plan enterprise of the indies?

The enterprise of the indies was Columbus's plan to sail West and end Up East

When was the east indies discovered?

Chistopher Columbus discovered

Why was Columbus's first journey so important?

Because it gave the first indication that there was an unknown land between Europe and China and the East Indies. Columbus himself never caught on to this, though. He remained convinced for the rest of his life that he had discovered islands near the coast of the East Indies.

What year did Columbus set a fleet with three ships to find the indies?

In 1492, Columbus sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in hopes of reaching the East Indies. He did not reach the East Indies, but landed instead in the Bahamas archipelago.

When Columbus made landfall he thought he had arrived in .?

East Indies

What did christopher Columbus call Indians?

a. he wanted to convince Ferdinand and Isabella that he had discovered North America. b. they convinced him that they had descended from Asian culture groups. c. they resembled natives of India that he had observed on previous voyages. d. he believed that he had landed in the Indies.

Why are the Caribbean's islands called the west Indies?

Columbus explored the ares for several months, convinced he had found the East Indies, the islands off the coast of Asia.When finding it was not the east indies he named it the west indies.

Why are the Caribbeans island called the west indies?

Columbus explored the ares for several months, convinced he had found the East Indies, the islands off the coast of Asia.When finding it was not the east indies he named it the west indies.

On what date did Christopher Columbus land in the West Indies?

...He didn't land in the West Indies, he landed in South America. He thought it was the West Indies, but what he really found was a New World.

Where did Columbus think he had landed when he had reached the Bahamas?

Columbus thought he was in the East Indies. Thus he called the native people Indians

Where did Columbus think he had reached when he reached the Bahamas?

Columbus thought he was in the East Indies. Thus he called the native people Indians