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Yes, he did. An example of one is Deianeira.

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Q: Did Dionysus have kids
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What were the names of dionysus's kids?

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Who are Dionysus's kids?

look on wikipedia, that might help

What kids did Semele have with Dionysus?

none semele and zeus were his parents and semele died when dionysus was in her so zeus took him out and put him in his thigh.

Who are the fathers of Aphrodite's kids?

eros , apollo hestia and persephone and dionysus

Did Dionysus and Aphrodite have kids?

Yes, Thalia Euphrosyne Aglea Priapus

Does cybele the goddess of nature have kids?

Midas, Korybas, Sabazius/Dionysus, Alce, and Nicaea.

How did dionysus get his name?

Dionysus means "God of Nysa", Nysa was the birthplace of Dionysus.

Why did dionysus die?

Dionysus did not die.

Why did Dionysus kill Perseus?

Dionysus did not kill Perseus!

What is a good slogan for Dionysus?

Get drunk with me! -Dionysus

Who was dionysus's mom?

Dionysus's mother is Semele