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Q: Did Egypt get a new Pharaoh after the Red Sea?
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Related questions

Who is a female pharaoh?

Female Pharaoh is the King's wife (Pharaoh's wife). She is Queen of ancient Egypt. If Egypt's Pharaoh Marys more than one wife, the Queen still is the Queen, the new wife has no power of Egypt.-MR. AWESOME

What happened after the Hebrews were welcomed into Egypt?

After the Pharaoh died, and the new Pharaoh took over, they were enslaved.

What is the main conflict in the story of Moses in Egypt in old Testament?

Moses was sent to Egypt by God to bring the Hebrews out of their slavery so that God could start a new nation (People) for His name. The main problem was that Pharaoh was not willing to let the people go. God sent many plagues upon Egypt, but it wasn't until the death of the "first borns" that Pharaoh decided to let the people go out of his country. Of coarse we know that Pharaoh had second thoughts and send troops to bring them back. but God drowned the soldiers in the Red Sea.

Who was the king who drove the hyskos out of Egypt?

Ahmose I was the pharaoh who drove the Hyksos out of Egypt, thereby ushering in the New Kingdom.

What were kings called in the new kingdom of egypt?

They retained their ancient title of Pharaoh

Queen hatshepsut was a pharaoh of the what?

Her time or reign was 1508-1458 BC. She was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt of the New Kingdom.

When did hatshepsut reign as a pharaoh?

Her time or reign was 1508-1458 BC. She was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt of the New Kingdom.

Who was considered a shrewd and skillful female pharaoh in Egypt during the New Kingdom?


Which dynasty did the pharaoh Hatshepsut die?

Her time or reign was 1508-1458 BC. She was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt of the New Kingdom.

How did the Israelites reach Egypt before the time of moses?

They were invited there by the Old Pharaoh, to escape the famine. The old pharaoh died, and the New one enslaved them.

What did they call a famous queen pharaoh of ancient Egypt?

Hatshepsut New Kingdom 18th dynasty

Where did the Egyptians crown Alexander the great as their new pharaoh?

He was crowned Alexander the Great in Memphis, Egypt.