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yes they did

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Q: Did Egyptian pyramids served as royal tombs?
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What are Ancient Egyptian pharaoh tombs?

They are pyramids.

What was the name of the tombs built for Egyptian kings?


What purpose did the Egyptian pyramids serve when they were built?

They were built as tombs.

What were mountain-like Egyptian tombs called?

Pyramid, pyramids

What are the ancient tombs are called?

The ancient tombs of Egyptian kings were pyramids. Egyptian pharaohs were first mummified, then put in a sarcophagus (a thing like a coffin) and then the more important pharaohs were buried in the center of the pyramids.

The pyramids which were royal tombs were begun by the fourth dynasty of Egyptians pharaohs What is is the adjective clause?

which were royal tombs for a+ -m&m moua

What was the egyptian pyramids used for?

the great pyramids were used for the goods that king kufu has and to hold the kings and the queens chamber so nobody they know will take or steal the goods that kufu and his queen has in there chambers

Why did the egyptians build the pyrimads?

they built the pyramids for burial purposes. they lived to be dead. they spent their whole lives preparing for their deaths.

Why did Egyptian build great pyramids for their rulers?

They built the pyramids because pharaohs believed they would rule their land after their death so they built themselves magnificent tombs . These tombs are the huge pyramids .

Do pyramids exist?

Egyptian pharaohs needed tombs, so the Egyptians would make pyramids as the pharaoh's tomb.

Why was pyramida built?

mummies were put in tombs and the tombs needed somewhere to go so the Egyptian people made pyramids..... Although I have no idea why they called it pyramids though.

Why were the pyriamds place where they were?

they built the pyramids so they can served their tombs to egiptwho died