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Q: Did Egyptians draw on cave walls?
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Why did cave dwellers draw?

cave dwellers draw on walls because the draw what is important to them

Why did people began to draw on cave walls?

to tell stories

Did cro-magnons draw?

Yes, Cro-Magnons, an early modern human population, created cave art, sculptures, and other forms of artistic expression. The caves at Lascaux in France, Altamira in Spain, and Chauvet in France contain notable examples of Cro-Magnon art dating back to about 40,000 years ago.

Who invented interior design?

The first caveman to draw on his cave walls.

Who invented chalkboard?

who invented the chalkboard? ///////no way of knowing that in ancient times they used ocre to draw on cave walls

What did they use to draw on the cave walls to get cave art?

They ground up pigments from red and yellow earths also black charcoal and white chalk, mixed them with animal fats and applied them to the walls of the cave. They are amazingly durable since we can still see them today.

How was drawing invented?

There is no specific person that is credited with inventing drawing. Ancient peoples would even draw on cave walls.

Would a neanderthal draw on walls?

Yes, evidence suggests that Neanderthals did create art on walls, such as in caves like those in Spain and France. This indicates an ability for abstract thinking and symbolic expression. These artistic expressions suggest a level of cognitive complexity and cultural behavior among Neanderthals.

Who invented the first map?

cave men on walls of cave in a cave

Who invented the map first?

cave men on walls of cave in a cave

What are the .Lascaux cave?

The lascaux cave is a cave in France that has animal paintings from a long time ago on the walls, and that is why it is famous.

Where did the Egyptians draw?

Fookin belgium