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Q: Did England allow colonists to make decisions about things like roads and taxes true or false?
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What did the glorious allow the colonists of new England to do?

End the policies that allowed the Church of England to exist in New England.

What did the glorious revolution allow the colonists of new England?

End the policies that allowed the Church of England to exist in New England.

What did the glorious revolution allow the colonists New England to do?

End the policies that allowed the Church of England to exist in New England.

What did the Glorious Revolution allow the colonists of New England to exist in New England?

End the policies that allowed the Church of England to exist in New England.

Why did the colonists dislike it when the people from England told them what to do?

because they came to the new world for freedom and the English didn't really allow that for them.

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Which British policy convinced many American colonists to want to form their own country?

Answer this question… Great Britain did not allow the colonists to participate in government.

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Not then, but after the war the colonists did eventually.

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The proprietor allowed colonists to elect representatives to an assembly.

What did the glorious revolution allow the colonists of the new England to do?

End the policies that allowed the Church of England to exist in New England.

Which British policy convinced many Americans colonist that they should form their own country?

Great Britain did not allow the colonists to participate in government.

What caused the colonist to have the Boston tea party?

The Tea Act, which would allow the East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonists with no tax. England thought the colonists would just buy the cheaper tea, but they rebelled with the Boston Tea Party because it put many merchants out of business.