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Q: Did Francesco Redi with a nobel piece prize?
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What awards did francesco redi recived?

it means he waz very smart and got a nobel peace prize

What theory did Francesco Redi?

Francesco Redi proved the theory of spontaneous generation.

What is Francesco Redi's last name?


What was Francesco Redi's middle name?

redi's middle name is mulala

Where was Francesco Redi from?

Arezzo, Italy

What did francesco redi prove?

Francesco Redi's conclusion was that all organisms come from other organisms of the same kind.

When was Redi Francesco born?

Redi was born Feburary 19, 1626 in Arezzo, Italy

Who is redi took?

Redi took might refer to Francesco Redi, the Italian naturalist, physician, and poet. Redi took might also refer to the Redi Clinic in Houston, Texas.

Was francesco redi married?

Francesco Redi was a doctor and naturalist who was born in Arezzo, Italy on February 18, 1626. Redi was also a published poet. He never married.

In what year did Francesco Redi die?

Francesco Redi was an Italian physician who lived February 18, 1626 - March 1, 1697. He is often referred to in the scientific community as The Father of Modern Parasitology.

How did Francesco Redi die?

died from an apoplectic stroke in Pisa in 1697.

What was Francesco Redi's hypothesis about the appearance of?

Spontaneous generation of maggots in meat