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Q: Did George Mason write the Bill of Rights or did James Madison?
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Who is commonly referred to as the Father of your Constitution?

The father of the Constitution is James Madison, and the father of the Bill of rights is George Mason.

Who were strong advocates of the Bill of Rights?

Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Mason, were strong proponents of the Bill of Rights. The Antifederalists were supportive of the Bills of Rights.

Who wrote the Virginia Constitution?

George Mason, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison

What role did George Mason and James Madison played?

they drafted of the U.S. Constitution

Who wrote the sixth amendment?

The entire Bill of Rights (First 10 Amendments) was drafted by James Madison but was taken in large part from the ideas of George Mason.

What important role did George Mason and James Madison do in 1776?

in the drafting of the U.S. Constitution.

In your opinion which is the better school and why University of Mary Washington James Madison University or George Mason University and what do they have to offer me?

george mason university I think I hope this awnser will help you

Who gave colonist freedom from Britain?

settlers,and famous people like Thomas Jefferson,george Gashington,James Madison and George mason

What three virginians opposed the Constitution?

Patrick Henry and George Mason refused to ratify the Constitution unless a Bill of Rights was added. James Madison concurred that a Bill of Rights should be added. When this was certain to occur, these three Virginians voted for ratification, and Virginia became the 10th state to do so.

Who were some of the important framers?

George Mason, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and William Pierce were important framers of the U.S. Constitution. Others include Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.

What did George Mason do?

George Mason made bicycles and painted them. he wrote the decration of rights

Who were george mason's friends?

George Mason had a wide circle of friends, many of whom were prominent figures in American politics and society. Some of his close friends included fellow Founding Fathers such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison. He also had strong relationships with his Virginia colleagues, such as Richard Henry Lee and Patrick Henry.