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Unless God (is not subjected to or) does not follow his own rules--then I would have to say Yes, He committed adultry with Mary, by taking another mans bethrothed and making her pregnant...But that must be OK for the greater good?

Catholic Answer:

To commit adultery one would have to have sex with the woman. This did not happen. God simply willed for Mary to carry his divine son and it happened.

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Q: Did God commit adultery with the Virgin Mary?
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Yes, a man can commit adultery anywhere (even in Kuwait) if done in secret. However, it is to be known that adultery is forbidden and not allowed in all God religions including Islam. It is also illegal to commit adultery according to Kuwaiti national law.

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No. Adultery is sin and God cannot sin.

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No..that's up to you

Who made the Virgin Mary?

God did

What is the VIRGIN MARY?

The Mother Of God.

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Another word for Virgin Mary is Mother of God or Theotokos.

Was God the son of the Virgin Mary?

No. Mary wouldn't exist if it wasn't for God Almighty. God simply chose Mary because she was a virgin woman from the tribe of David [which fulfilled the prophecies] and Joseph because he was a just man of the tribe of David.

What does the Virgin Mary do?

She prays to GOD on our behalf.

What does Virgin Mary do?

She prays to GOD on our behalf.

What is Virgin Mary the saint of?

As the Mother Of God, Mary has NUMEROUS Patronages.

Who is the saint of all saints?

The Blessed Virgin Mary is the Queen of Saints.