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According to this site,, the Whiskey Tax was repeal in 1802. Since Jefferson was President at the time, and since he believed in the plight of farmers, and since his Sec. of Treasury was from western Pennsylvania, it is safe to say Jefferson played a part in the repeal of the tax.

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He still had bad trust with taxes due to previous experiences with Britain, believed it gave government way to much power because they could tax, and most of the taxes fell heavy on back country farmers where most of his support and voters came from.

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yes,he made the tax to pay off the national debt they owed

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Q: Did President Jefferson repeal the Whiskey Tax?
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What tax did President Jefferson urge congress to repeal?

He repealed the Federal Whiskey Tax.

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How did people feel about Jefferson's repeal of the whiskey tax?

they did not support it

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No, President Grant did not support the repeal of the excise tax on whiskey. In fact, he actually advocated for its continuation and enforcement as a means of generating revenue for the government.

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He didn't stop prosecutions under the Alien and Sedition acts.

Did Thomas Jefferson support the Whiskey Tax?

Against. It was unfair to the southern farmers, who transported grain as whiskey.

Which federalist policy did President Jefferson keep when he took office?

Bank of the United States... I'm 100% sure.

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Jefferson did many things to try to reduce the power of the Federal government. He tried to cut federal budget and reduce federal debt. He decreased the size of government departments. Jefferson decreased the size of the government departments and prompted laissez-faire policies in economic affairs. Then he asked Congress to repeal the whiskey tax.

What was the Hamiltonian economic measure repealed by Jefferson and Gallatin?

The Whiskey Tax (1791) was an excise tax that was designed to pay down the national debt. It resulted in the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 and was repealed in 1801 by Thomas Jefferson and his Secretary of Treasury, Albert Gallatin.

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Thomas Jefferson thought that George Washington overreacted when he ordered the militia to stop the protestors during the Whiskey Rebellion. Many Americans agreed, resulting in Thomas Jefferson soon becoming President.

Why did the president raise taxes after The Louisiana Purchase?

First, the President can not raise taxes. Only Congress can do that. Thomas Jefferson was the President who made the Louisiana Purchase. Money had to be borrowed from European bankers to make the purchase. I am not aware that Jefferson asked for any tax increases. There was no income tax in those days. Tariffs and duties were the main source of revenue. There were taxes on whiskey and certain commodities.