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Yes, in his attempted rape of Athena, the seed of Hephaestus fell to Earth (Gaea) and Erikhthonios was formed.

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Q: Did Hephaestus have children with gaea?
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Who did Hephaestus have kids with?

Hephaestus had children by his wife, Aglaia; by Kabeiro, by Aitna; by Athena/Gaea, Ocresia, Anticleia, and Atthis as well as other children by unknown mothers.

Who did Hephaestus have childen with?

Hephaestus had children by his wife, Aglaia; by Kabeiro, by Aitna; by Athena/Gaea, Ocresia, Anticleia, and Atthis as well as other children by unknown mothers.

Who is Hephaestus' great grandmother and great grandfather?

Gaea is Hephaestus' great grandmother and Ouranos is his great grandfather.

Who were Hephaestus relatives?

The mother of Hephaestus is Hera, and sometimes she is said to have had him on her own or with Zeus; his wife was first Aphrodite and later Aglaia; he also had children by Kabeiro, by Aitna; by Athena/Gaea, Ocresia, Anticleia, and Atthis as well as other children by unknown mothers.

Who was the father of Gaea's children?

The father of Gaea's children was Ouranos (Uranus).

Who are Athena's offsprings?

She was a virgin goddess who "adopted" the child of Hephaestus's seed made by Gaea, Erikhthonios.

What kids did Aphrodite have by her husband Hephaestus?

Aphrodite had no children by Hephaestus.

Greek mythology who did Gaea ask to help save her monster children?

she asked Zeus to get rid of Cronus and in the process he freed Gaea's children

What happened when Uranus and Gaea quarreled over their children?

Uranus seemed to win his way, Gaea plotted his fall by way of said children.

What is the Greek goddess Hera of?

Her father is Cronus, her mother is Rhea - both being Titan children of Gaea and Ouranos. Her brothers include Zeus (who is also her husband), Hades, and Poseidon, her sisters are Hestia and Demeter. Her children with Zeus include, Hebe, Ares, Hephaestus and Eileithyia.

Do Hephaestus has a girlfriend?

His wives were Aphrodite and Aglaia/Charis; he also loved Persephone, and attempted to rape Athena which resulted in his seed falling to Earth (Gaea) or Atthis and birthing Erikhthonios. He also had children with Cabeiro on Lemnos; and on Sicily, with Aetna.

How children of Gaea were Cyclopes?

Your question is incomplete, so I will assume you are asking how many of Gaea's children were one-eyed. The answer is THREE, and their names were Brontes, Streropes and Arges.