

Did Hitler have bad encounters with the Jews?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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There is no evidence that Hitler had bad encounters with Jews on a personal level.

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Q: Did Hitler have bad encounters with the Jews?
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They were executed because they were Jews. They did not have "bad" genes.

Why is Hitler bad?

He was the leader of the mass extermination of Jews

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What was hitler's reason to kill jews?

Hitler killed the Jews because he said that they were the reason that the economy was doing so bad. Hitler also blamed losing World War 1 on the Jews.

How bad did Hitler kill the Jews?

Pretty bad, considering he killed 6 million of them.

Why did Hitler take out his anger out on Jews?

Jews have been used as scapegoats for centuries because they didn't have a country or a whole area which is for Jews. Hitler blamed the Jews for everything which is bad for Germany. This is called Antisemitism

What changed for Jews when Hitler came to power?

life got bad

Why did Hitler put out that propaganda about the Jews?

Hitler put out propoganda about the jews to make people think that they were bad. he also did it so when he murdered and tortured the jews they would be less likely to turn away from him.

Why did Hitler try to kill Jews?

Because he was insane and he saw the Jews as the cause of the bad economic situation in Germany.

Why did Hitler invade Denmark?

I belive Hitler invaded denmark because he thought all Jews were bad and deserved to be killed and hurt-plus in denmark there were a lot of Jews.