

Did Hitler kill polish people

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Did Hitler kill polish people
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Why did people believe that Hitler would not invade Poland?

The Russains told the polish people that they would protect them from Hitler and the Nazi's

How many people planned to kill Hitler?

5 million Jews wanted to kill Hitler.

What did Hitler plan for Poland and the Polish people?

Hitler based his actions on his beliefs so he used the Polish Jews and all other Jews as scapegoats. He aroused people's interest's of killing Jews by using propaganda to show how "horrible" the Jews were. So basically he planned on slaughtering the entire population of Jewish people and have it be justified by his propaganda.

What views did Adolf Hitler have about Jewish people?

to kill them to kill them

Did Hitler have a gun?

yes Hitler did have guns because he did kill people

Was Adolf Adolph Hitler of Polish descentadolph Adolph Hitler of polish descent?

No, he was Austrian.

Who were the perfect people according to Adolf Hitler?

Hitler considered people with Blonde hair, blue eyes and German were perfect. But he dident kill any Germans unless they were Jewish. But Hitler himself was none of the above, he had brown hair, green or brown eyes and was intact not German but polish or Austrian. Hope I helped :D

Did Hitler kill people of his opposition?

yes,he did!

Why did the death camp kill people?

The holocaust killed people because Hitler was stupid, and wanted to kill his own people! Hitler was a Jew, so he just wanted to get rid of them.

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There were several attempts to assassinate Hitler, all failed.

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For the Quare

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Lets see, he had people kill innocent people....