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No,of course not.It was his own brain.

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Q: Did Isaac Newton steal the three laws of motion?
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Who defined the laws of motion?

Isaac Newton formulated the laws of motion. These should not be confused with the laws of planetary motion by Keplar

How many laws of motion did Isaac Newton describe?

Isaac Newton described three laws of motion.

Where Did Isaac Newton come up with the three laws of motion?

Isaac Newton thought of the three laws of motion while watching an apple fall from a tree.

Whose mathematical work on the laws of motion still forms the basis for the study of motion today?

Sir Isaac Newton came up with the Three Laws of Motion

What did Isaac Newton hypothesize?

the three laws of motion

Who discover the law of motion?

It was Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), English mathematician and physicist, who set down the laws of motion.

What scientist was responsible for establishing the three laws of motion?

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), English mathematician and physicist.

He is known for his three laws of motion?

Sir Isaac Newton.

What is the name of the scientist who gave us Newtons three laws of motion?

Albert Einstein

Who authored the newton's three laws of motion?

Isaac Newton published his Principia Mathematica in 1687 which included his laws of motion.

What was Sir Isaac Newton Invention?

Newtonian reflecting telescope and Isaac Newton formulated the three laws of universal gravitation and motion.

What did Isaac Newton contribute to modern medicine?

The three laws of motion