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Q: Did Issac newton stick to one type of science?
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What type of prism did Issac Newton use?

triangular prism

What type of science did newton study?

Mathematics and Physics.

What math was Isaac Newton known for?

isaac newton invented no such math only science

What type of measurement did Sir Isaac Newton invent?

a type of weight called a newton

Is it true that calculus is not one of isaac newton's contributions to the field of science?

No, but Newton and Liebnitz argued for years about which one of them developed the Calculus. There is some evidence that Liebnitz had seen Newton's early work on the Calculus. The fact is, Liebnitz rushed to publish his ideas, and Newton finally published his years later, although he did mention his Calculus as a sidenote in a much earlier publication. To Newton we can give thanks for inventing analytical fluxion type of the Calculus, and to Liebnitz the differential/integral type of the Calculus.

How wide is a lacrosse stick?

it depends on the type of stick you get and the type of brand you get.

How is Science related to you?

science is related to you because you breath and air is a type of science. science is related to you because of your blood and water because liquid is a type of science and blood(liquid) is a type of science.

How is science related to?

science is related to you because you breath and air is a type of science. science is related to you because of your blood and water because liquid is a type of science and blood(liquid) is a type of science.

Which type of mathematics did Sir Isaac Newton develope?

Newton , along with Gottfried Leibnitz , is considered to be the co-inventor of (the) Calculus. He also made several other contributions to math such as in numerical analysis.

What is a fig newton?

A Fig Newton is a pastry type cookie filled with fig paste made by Nabisco.

What type of science is bacteria?

another type of bacteria in science lesson is symonella

In what unusual type of graveyard is Sir Isaac Newton buried in?

Sir Isaac Newton is buried in Westminster Abbey