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No. JJ Thomson's experiments with cathode rays lead to the discovery of the electron.

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No, J.J. Thomson's experiments with cathode rays led to the discovery of the electron, not the neutron. The neutron was discovered by James Chadwick in 1932 through his experiments with beryllium.

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Q: Did J J Thomson's experiments with cathode rays lead to the discovery of the neutron?
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Who is accredited in the history of modern chemistry that neutron exists?

James Chadwick, a British physicist, is credited with the discovery of the neutron in 1932. By conducting experiments with beryllium and alpha particles, he provided evidence for the existence of this neutral subatomic particle. This discovery was a crucial advancement in the field of modern chemistry and contributed to our understanding of atomic structure.

What is James Chadwick most famous for?

James Chadwick is most famous for his discovery of the neutron in 1932, which revolutionized the field of nuclear physics and earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1935. His discovery led to the development of nuclear fission and the atomic bomb.

What did chadwhicks experiment kead to the discovery of?

Chadwick's experiment led to the discovery of the neutron, which is a subatomic particle with no charge located in the nucleus of an atom. This discovery helped to further our understanding of atomic structure and the composition of matter.

Neutron was discovered by?

The neutron was discovered by Sir James Chadwick in 1932. Chadwick conducted experiments that provided evidence for the existence of a neutral subatomic particle within the atomic nucleus, which he named the neutron.

What is the contribution of James Chadwick to chemistry?

James Chadwick's most significant contribution to chemistry was the discovery of the neutron in 1932. This discovery revolutionized the understanding of atomic structure and led to a deeper understanding of nuclear reactions and the development of nuclear technology. Chadwick's work earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1935.

Related questions

What instrument lead to the discovery of the neutron?

The Cathode Ray

Did Thompson's experiments led to the discovery of the neutron?


Who discovery neutrons?

The neutron was discovered by James Chadwick in 1932 through his experiments involving the bombardment of beryllium with alpha particles. Chadwick's discovery confirmed the existence of the neutron as a neutral subatomic particle with a mass similar to that of the proton.

The discovery of the electron resulted from experiments using what?

The discovery of the electron resulted from experiments using cathode ray tubes. These tubes passed an electric current through a vacuum, causing a beam of particles to be emitted from the cathode. J.J. Thomson's research on these rays led to the identification of the electron.

Who was the scientist that discovered neutrons?

James Chadwick is the scientist credited with the discovery of neutrons in 1932. He conducted experiments that led to the identification of the neutron as a fundamental particle found in the nucleus of atoms.

Why could the neutron not be discovered in same experiments as the electron and proton?

Early experiments were based off attraction. The neutron had no charge to attract or repel or to be attracted or repelled. so these experiments could not figure out that there was a neutral particle in the nucleus.

Did Thompson's experiment led to discovery of the neutron?


How did the discovery of isotopes lead J.J. Thomson to the description of the neutron?

The neutron was discovered by James Chadwick.

When was the neutron discovered?

The experimental proof of the neutron was provided by James Chadwick in 1932.1932 by James Chadwick, having been therorised by Ernest Rutherford in 1920.neutron discovered by Chadwick in 1932

Why was the neutron the last of the three sub-atomic particles to be discovered?

This discovery was more difficult because neutron has not an electrical charge.

Who theorized neutrons?

Ernest Rutherford predicted the existence of the neutron, but it was Sir James Chadwick that is credited for the actual discovery of the neutron.

Why beryllium was used in chadwick experiment for neutron discovery?

I don't knowkj