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No but, in chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness, Jack did ask the rest of the boys to put their hands up if they didn't want Ralph to be chief anymore. None of the boys raised their hands.

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1mo ago

No, in "Lord of the Flies," Jack did not directly tell Ralph to quit as chief. Instead, he used manipulation and rebellion to undermine Ralph's leadership and eventually take control himself.

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Q: Did Jack tell Ralph in Lord of the Flies to quit as chief?
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What functions do Ralph and jack serve in lord of the flies?

As chief(leader).

Who assumed the role of Chief in Lord of the Flies?

Ralph is elected as the chief but Jack assumes the role of chief of the hunters.

Who is chosen to be chief in Lord of the Flies?

The vote was between Jack and Ralph. When all the boys voted they chose Ralph as their leader. :)

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In "Lord of the Flies," after the boys' assembly, only Jack and his choirboys vote for Jack to be chief. This means the majority of the boys, including Ralph, did not vote for Jack to be chief.

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Ostensibly it is Ralph, although his position is challenged later in the story by Jack

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Ralph is made chief in Chapter 1 of "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

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He puts Jack in charge of the choir and asks Jack what he wishes them to be, to which Jack replies "Hunters."

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Who are the leaders in Lord of the Flies?

Jack and Ralph.

In Lord of the Flies who has assumed the role of chief?

Ralph is elected as the chief but Jack, no longer content with just controling his hunters, later apoints himself as a rival chief.

Who claims to be the chief when they all got rescued in the lord of the files?

When they are rescued in "Lord of the Flies," Ralph claims to be the chief as he is the protagonist who tried to maintain order and civilization on the island. However, he is challenged by Jack, who led the boys into savagery and rebellion against Ralph's leadership.