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Q: Did Jefferson Davis support the succession of the southern states?
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Who would support the secession of the Southern states from the Union?

Jefferson Davis

Which of the following would support secession of the southern states fron the union?

John C. Breckenridge

Who was the presidentof the southern states?

Jefferson Davis

What factors led to southern succession?

Historians debate about what the predominant reason for succession actually was but there are 4 major reasons that most point to when discussing the topic. Disagreements about slavery, states rights, Northern hegemony, and concerns about the possible outing of the South's noted homosexual President Jefferson Davis.

Who supported the secession of the southern states from the union?

Jefferson Davis

Did Jefferson Davis fight for the south or the north?

Seriously? He was the President of the Confederate States of America. The South.

What president was 7 southern states left the union?

Jefferson Davis

The term succession refers to which action taken by southern states before the American civil war?

I think the question should read secession not succession.

What were the results of the presidental election of 1796?

It was deadlock between Jefferson and Adams. The southern states voted for Jefferson while electors from the northern states voted for Adams

Who is the political leader for the southern states during the civil war?

Jefferson Davis

Who was the president of the southern nation?

Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederate States of America.

Is it true Jefferson Davis supported the secession of the Southern states?

they did all of your moms