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This was open to translation. It never actually said he went to hell, but it did say that he ascended and descended in Ephesians 4. Some people believe that Adam and Eve's sin closed the gates of heaven, and all souls went to the land of the dead, called Sheol. This was not the fiery pits of hell that are described later in the Bible, but more like a holding place for everyone that died. Part of this line of thought is that when Jesus died, he ascended to reopen the gates of Heaven, the descended into Sheol to make the proclamation.

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Q: Did Jesus go to hell and were can you found it in the bible?
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Could you go to hell if you dont go to church that much but you do read your bible?

You might be given hell by overly religious Christians, but no, you won't go to Hell if you don't go to Church. Even not reading the Bible won't make you go to Hell. Jesus Christ saved you. Not going to church, and not reading the Bible. Follow Jesus Christ, not a Christian religion.

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According to the Bible, you go to hell if you do not accept and confess Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.

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there is no scripture in the bible that says that. when you die if you have made Jesus lord of your life, you will go to heaven and live eternally with him. if not, you go to eternal suffering in hell.

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Jesus went to Heaven when he died on Earth, not Hell.

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NO Jesus did not go to hell he went to haven and that's true.

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Well it depends if you believe in hell.

Did Jesus visit Hell after his crusifictionand?

Jesus didn't visit hell because he has no right. Jesus is perfect and sinless so he can't go to hell. And anyway, who ever goes to hell can never come out and will have to die forever.

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No you will not. Even if you are a believer, there is no mention of hell in the Bible.

Does it say pray or go to hell in the Bible?

No it does not, say that

Is there a verse in the bible that states one will go to hell if not baptized?

There is no specific verse in the Bible that states one will go to hell if not baptized. Different denominations and interpretations of scripture vary on the importance and necessity of baptism for salvation. Ultimately, many Christians believe that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ.

Does the bible say that you must go to hell for a cleansing period?

no if go to hell your there to stay for eternity torminted with out end

Where are the unbelievers before Jesus came?

It is said in the Bible that all unbelievers go to hell. There were still believers before Jesus came because there were prophets before the time of Jesus's coming. So if there were any unbelievers, it was because they chose not to follow God.