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Q: Did Lincoln refuse to sign the republicans plan for reconstitution?
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True or False Lincoln refused to sign the Republicans' plan for reconstruction?

Lincoln did refuse to sign the Republicans' plan for reconstruction. Lincoln had developed his own plan which was more lenient toward the south.

What group opposed Lincoln's 10 percent plan?

Radical Republicans

What plan did the Radical republicans did Abraham Lincoln support?

one that provided for the basic war refugees

What were the three plans for reconstruction after the civil war in 1865?

Lincoln's Reconstruction plan, Johnson's Reconstruction Plan and the Radical Republicans in Congress Reconstrucion plan

Which plan was ultimately used for reconstruction after the civil war of 1865 Lincoln's Johnson's or the Radical Republicans?


What plan of the radical republicans did president abraham lincoln support?

one that provided for the basic war refugees

How did the radical republicans respond to Lincoln's plan?

They strongly disliked it because ther felt it was too leniant on the South.

Did Andrew Johnson carry out the plans of Abraham Lincoln?

He had a plan for Reconstruction very similar to Lincoln's. Johnson was impeached because the Republicans thought his plan made it too easy for the Confederate states to get back in the Union.

How did Lincoln's plan for reconstruction differ from the wade Davis bill?

President Abraham Lincoln's plan did not guarantee African American equality. The Wade-Davis Bill passed by the Radical Republicans demanded guarantees of African American equality. Lincoln killed this bill with a "pocket veto."

Why did radical Republicans deny seats to Representatives from States that were readmitted under Lincoln plan?

Because Lincoln's plan had never been presented to the Congress. It was only proposed by Lincoln to the members of the Government on Apr. 11,1865, who repulsed it. Louisiana was the sole State where the plan had been provisionally applied and, after the President was assassinated, it had been nullified, also because it was considered too lenient by the Radical Republicans who had the majority in the Congress and a part of the public opinion as well.

Why did Lincoln reject the radical republicans plan?

Because it could have allowed for new slave-states.

How did the Lincoln reconstruction plan differ from the Wade-Davis bill?

President Abraham Lincoln's plan did not guarantee African American equality. The Wade-Davis Bill passed by the Radical Republicans demanded guarantees of African American equality. Lincoln killed this bill with a "pocket veto."