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Q: Did Louis psteur ever have a milk invention?
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What is invented by Louis Paseture?

Louis Pasteur is best known for his invention in processing milk and wine to prevent them from bacterial contamination. He is also credited with the invention of several vaccines.

Invention of plastic milk jugs?

Tom Clifford was the driving force behind the invention of the first plastic milk jug. (1966)

To keep milk germ free Louis.. created pasteurised milk?

Louis PASTEUR created pasteurised milk. that's how pasteurised milk was called pastuerisd

What mathematical functions was the invention capable of performing?

It was capable of performing milk the Titties and mixing diarrhea with milk

What invention supported Louis Pasteur's research?

Louis pasteur reject abiogenesis theory and give biogenesis theory which state that life exist from pre existing life. He prove it by one of his famous experiment of S shape funnel broth experiment

How did Louis Pasteur invent milk?

He didn't invent milk, he just pasteurized it.

What does Louis pasteurs process called pasterurization prevent?

Milk from spoiling

Who created pasteurized milk?

Louis Pasteur.

Is milk berry tea real?

nope - it is a fantasy invention of dwarfs and unicorns

When did pasteurization of milk begin in the US?

Milk processors began around the early 1800's when chemist Louis Pasteur developed pasteurization. In 1895 commercial pasteurization was introduced in the United States.

Is Louis Pasteur the scientist responsible for pasteurized milk?

yes. It was his process they use to pasteurize milk.

Who developed a process for preserving milk?

Louis Pasteur developed pasteurization, which is used to preserve milk.