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Yes, Macbeth initially believes that the most challenging part of becoming king, which is committing regicide to seize the throne, has already been achieved. However, he later realizes that maintaining power and dealing with the consequences of his actions present even greater challenges.

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Q: Did Macbeth feel that the most difficult part of being King has already been achieved?
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What does it mean to be born of women in Macbeth?

Macbeth interpreted it as meaning "having a mother", which meant the same as being a human being. But in fact it meant "being delivered in the usual way" as opposed to by Caesarian section.

What are the contents of macbeths letter to Lady Macbeth?

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How do scene two introduce the absent of Macbeth?

In scene two of Macbeth, the absence of Macbeth is introduced through dialogue between Duncan and Banquo. Duncan inquires about Macbeth's whereabouts, expressing his expectation of Macbeth's presence. Banquo informs Duncan that Macbeth's absence is due to being occupied with his thoughts and preparations for their upcoming meeting.

Why does Macbeth want his wife to beinnocent of the knowledge of his plan for Banquo and fleance?

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